7th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 2nd month of pregnancy

Mother's health

It may happen that, during the first few weeks of pregnancy, you may have slight losses. Sometimes, it can happen that you have some around the time you should have had your period. If these losses are not very abundant, do not last and are not accompanied by other symptoms (pain, malaise, fever ...), they do not indicate anything serious.

However, talk to the doctor (or midwife) who follows you: perhaps it is appropriate to do an ultrasound to check that everything is in order (that there has not been any detachment of the placenta, for example).

See also

6th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 2nd month of pregnancy

8th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 2nd month of pregnancy

5th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 2nd month of pregnancy

The development of the child

The organs of your future baby continue to develop. As for the head (cephalic end), the various parts of the brain begin to specialize, as do the most important nerves.

It is from the maternal blood that the embryo draws all the nutrients it needs to grow proteins, which constitute the main element for the development of tissues, but also of sugars, which above all bring energy, and gods lipids, essential - among other things - to brain development. Vitamins And minerals... complete the list of essential nutrients for the embryo. Vitamin B9, for example, plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system.

Our advice


During pregnancy, you may be constipated, as the muscle fibers relax due to hormones - especially progesterone - slowing down intestinal transit and making the intestine less toned.
Then, as the months go by, it is the volume of the uterus that bothers digestion.

Anti-constipation tips:
- Drink at least one liter of water a day. Opt for mineral waters rich in magnesium, which accelerate intestinal transit.
- Walk every day for at least half an hour and eat a lot of fiber (plums, figs, green leafy vegetables, etc.), but don't overdo it, so as not to irritate the intestine.
- If the situation becomes difficult, you can resort to glycerin suppositories, which can be used in an pregnant state.
- Except for medical contraindications, practice regular physical activity.

Attention, constipation can cause the appearance of hemorrhoids: they are very painful. Typically, they last 5-6 days. Consult your doctor for a prescription for a suitable cream or suppositories. If, despite the treatment, the pain persists, do not hesitate to go back to the doctor to consider other solutions.

Be calm: these ailments will disappear a few months after your baby is born!

Not to be forgotten

Make an appointment with your gynecologist or midwife for the first trimester visit
Choose the hospital in which to give birth and where to take the course
Take a sample to test your immunity to: toxoplasmosis, HIV, deficiencies, diabetes, cholesterol, syphilis, rubella, rh factor. More urinalysis

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