20 KitKat flavors that will blow your mind

That's right, our Japanese friends, already known for "creativity" in the kitchen, still amaze us. In fact, in Japan there are about 300 different flavors for our beloved KitKat. Incredible, right? It is well known that eating habits, as well as tastes, vary from country to country. And even if we sometimes find it hard to believe, some people love flavors that we can't even imagine exist. Like our friends from the Rising Sun who eat KitKat with roasted corn. You wonder how this is possible?

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Although many of you will prefer something more akin to our tastes, like this wonder:

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Anne Geddes' children 20 years later: this is how they are today!

Meanwhile, we have selected some KitKats by choosing 20 different flavors. You are ready? Et voilas:

See also: Japanese KitKats with strange tastes

© Pinterest Banana and chocolate

And if the KitKats haven't satisfied your curiosity about culinary quirks around the world, check out this bizarre sandwich gallery!

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