Test: are you more vampire or werewolf?

The world of mythological creatures is vast, and we go from the darkest figures, such as vampires and werewolves, to those that have come to date as less threatening figures (although they were not originally such), such as mermaids, unicorns or the gnomes. These magical creatures are inhabited by myths, tales and stories handed down for centuries. Some of these arise in the most ancient kingdoms, such as the Egyptian and Persian and have had many evolutions, especially between the Middle Ages and 1600. Before finding out if you are more of a vampire or a werewolf, watch this interesting video, because when it comes to blood , there is always something to learn:

Test: are you more vampire or werewolf?

Close to the realm of evil spirits, vampires like werewolves belong to a tradition more linked to dark magic, demons and magical mutations of the human body. Various modern sagas have attracted us to such attractive images, making them more human and less demonic. You, between vampire and werewolf, who are you? Take the test and find out now:

See also

Test: how anxious are you?

Test: are you more a girl or more a woman?

Test: how good are you at kissing?

Find out which magic of the most famous saga in the world you are, take our Harry Potter test! Here it is, find out what magic you are:

Tags:  Old-Luxury Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology