Personality test: the dessert you choose reveals something about you!

Each of us is greedy in our own way and we women in particular, often and willingly, allow ourselves to be wooed by a healthy feast of sugars, especially in menstrual cycle alarm. But how much does the dessert you choose to eat say about you? You can find out, but not before you get watered with this video, watch:

Personality test: the dessert you choose reveals something about you!

The dessert you choose tells something about your character: are you as tender as a cheese cake or as crunchy as a croissant? Your way of being can be read through many things. After all, is it true or not that we are what we eat? Take the test and find out about yourself:

See also

Test: choose a symbol of autumn and find out about yourself!

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

And if you have discovered something about yourself by choosing a dessert, now is the time to find out how greedy you really are. Our quiz reveals it to you:

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