Couple test: are you destined for friendship or love?

"A" for friendship or "A" for love? Your "A" will be? It happens to everyone to have friends with whom you understand you are in a gray area: the friendzone. In this area everything is possible and the limits of friendship are unstable. Do you want to find out if you will be in love or will you remain friends? Then take our test! And in the meantime, watch the video, it can already help you understand if it is love between you:

Couple test: are you destined for friendship or love?

Are you ready to find out what is between you? Love or friendship? Take the quiz:

See also

Couple Test: What's the Perfect Position for You Two?

Couple test: is it time to leave it?

Couple Test: Is Your Boyfriend Really Crazy About You?

And if you're unsure what kind of relationship is right for you, we recommend another test!

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