Growth of the fetus: the development of the baby month by month

The growth and development of the fetus is one of the most fascinating phenomena of motherhood. The fetus has nine months to develop, and from the first weeks of conception, in which it is only a group of cells, it becomes a real baby, ready to enter the world. But how does a fetus develop and grow? What are the stages, month by month? You can find out here, and satisfy all your curiosities!

The miracle of pregnancy: the development of the fetus in one minute

In this video you can see the development of the fetus in just one minute, from the moment of conception to that of delivery. The stages of pregnancy, so complex and extraordinary, necessary for the formation of a new human being.

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First month

During the first month, at 4 weeks, the fetus already has the heart and stomach: we are in fact at the initial stage of organogenesis, ie the development of its organs. And its nervous system also begins to develop. it is still possible to clearly distinguish the limbs, which are simply sketched in. In fact, at this stage the fetus measures only 2 to 5 millimeters.The sensory systems begin to develop, but the fetus still has no mouth and eyes. The embryo floats in the amniotic cavity, connected through the umbilical cord, which in turn is developing.

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Second month

During the second month of pregnancy, the organs develop better: the brain, liver, stomach and pancreas complete their formation. The spine forms, and the limbs begin to lengthen. The first muscles begin to form and the heart shows the development of a right side and a left side. The optic nerve is defined, the tongue is formed, nose and ears are visible. The fetus, however, does not see and does not hear yet. At this point, the future baby measures 3 centimeters and weighs 2 to 3 grams.

Third month

During the third month the fetus triples its volume. Nerve cells develop and the skeleton grows. The joints are functional: the fingers bend to form fists inside the hand, but none of its movements are yet controlled by the action of the brain. The nostrils open little by little, the lips are outlined and the eyelids cover the eyes, which are formed definitively. The mouth opens and stabilizes. The actual movements begin, and together with these phenomena the instinct of sucking develops, which the baby will put into action during breastfeeding. At the end of the month, around the thirteenth week, the fetus measures 12 centimeters and weighs about 65 grams. During this stage, the first trimester ultrasound is performed.

Fourth month

The lungs do not yet have a respiratory function, but amniotic fluid enters and leaves them. The intestine appendage forms and the body becomes covered with a fine fuzz called fluff. The whole auditory system is ready and the retinas are already sensitive to light, but the fetus does not see yet. Among the curiosities: the fetus can open its mouth and frown.

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Fifth month

During the fifth month of pregnancy, the multiplication of nerve cells is finished and the muscles are strengthened. If it is a female, the vagina is formed. It is in fact the moment of the second ultrasound, called morphological. Fingerprints define themselves. A light hair begins to cover the head and the sebaceous glands secrete a substance that protects the baby's skin. The eyelids, still motionless, are covered with lashes, while the iris of the eye becomes pigmented. The fetus sucks its thumb and sleeps 16 to 20 hours a day. By the 21st week, the fetus weighs 300 grams and measures approximately 24 centimeters.

Sixth month

During the sixth month, the sexual organs are better defined, although the sex of the child is often visible earlier, during the morphological ultrasound. The dental buds are forming, the nails appear, the nerves develop and begin to accumulate there. fat. The baby feels and begins to react to touch and sounds, and it is one of the most exciting phases for mom and dad.

Seventh month

In the seventh month c "is the phase of nervous and cerebral maturation. The eyelids open and the retina begins to function, the fetus begins to perceive light. Under normal conditions, in this phase the baby weighs about 1,500 grams, and is long more or less 37 centimeters.

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Eighth month

The cerebral cortex develops and the baby begins to be sensitive to pain. Her nails are fully formed. The hearing is refined, so much so that the child winces when he hears a too violent sound. The child feeds on the amniotic fluid, which he swallows later, developing the sense of taste, the digestive tract and the kidneys. He urinates a lot, turns and takes more and more space.

Ninth month

In the ninth and final month of pregnancy, the brain, which is still the least complete organ, continues to develop rapidly. The child, due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, becomes more plump. The sebum that covers the skin peels off. The pulmonary alveoli unfold and prepare for birth. In 95% of cases the baby is positioned with his head down and is ready to come to light. If she does not turn around, a breech birth could occur. Even if he has little space now, the baby still moves and kicks: he is ready to be born! With the contractions and labor of childbirth, a new life thus enters the world.

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