Children and sleep: all the useful tips to make your child sleep at night

"How do I get my son to sleep?" it is certainly one of the most frequent questions that many parents ask themselves during the first years of their child's life. Unfortunately, it is only a rumor that sleep problems cease after the first few months, because in some cases it is true, in others ... not.

Even children who have passed the first two years of life, perhaps already going to kindergarten or preschool, still have difficulty sleeping. They can wake up often at night, they don't want to sleep in their bed or they can't fall asleep if mom or dad they are not sitting next to them.

This situation exacerbates both parents, who are deprived of their regular sleep. Unlike their children, they become more and more tired and want to change this condition urgently. Unfortunately, there is no standard answer to the question "How do I get my child to sleep?", but there are many helpful tips and methods to choose from to find out for yourself what can help you and your baby.

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How do I get my baby to sleep continuously?

For the first six months, a baby needs 15 hours of sleep a day. Of this time frame, he sleeps about 10 hours at night, while the remaining hours during the day. It sounds like a lot, but babies don't sleep all hours in a row. Especially at night, they usually wake up at least every four hours because they are hungry.

Tips to get your baby to sleep quickly at night:

  • Turn on as few lights as possible.
  • Be quiet and talk to your child quietly.
  • Don't play with him.

To make it easier to go to bed at night, you can start the rituals earlier. Always feed your baby at roughly the same times, change his diaper and then put his pajamas on. Then you can sing a lullaby. say goodnight or let him sleep with the sound of a music box.

By the way: many children have a hard time falling asleep because they are too tired. Pay attention to the signs and make sure your baby doesn't stay awake for too long, but that sleep times are respected - even during the day.

Tips to help your baby fall asleep on his own

Some babies only fall asleep when mom or dad is sitting next to the bed. It can be quite tiring in the long run. There are many reasons for this behavior. In fact, some children are afraid of the dark, others fear separation. Try to find out why your child doesn't want to sleep alone. If there is a specific cause, try to remedy it.

For example, turning on a night lamp or removing things from the walls that cast scary shadows. Once all the problems are resolved, there are several ways to get the baby to sleep alone. It only takes a little time. Important: you have to be consistent and not break the rules.

The alarm clock method:
When your baby goes to bed, tell him you will be back in five minutes. If necessary, set an alarm and check after the time you promised. If he doesn't sleep, say you'll be back in ten minutes. If he cries, you can comfort him briefly, but don't hold back much, otherwise he may take the cry as a way to get you to stay with him.

The following evenings do the same, but the time intervals increase.

The chair method:
The first night, sit in bed with your baby or as you usually do. The next evening, sit in a chair a little farther from the bed. On the third night, sit near the door. Later, depending on how your child reacts, just leave the door open, reassuring him that you are in the other room.

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Tips to help children fall asleep in their own bed

Some babies do not fall asleep in their own bed, others prefer to arrive "suddenly" in their parents' bed at night: both of these habits need to be changed. After all, any parent wants some intimacy with their partner after the first few months!

However, it is difficult for many children to fall asleep and sleep all night in their own bed. Make things easier for them by talking about it. To facilitate their "autonomous" sleep, you can put a mattress for your child next to your bed for the first few nights. After that, you can do the first test to make him sleep in his room and in his bed, removing your presence little by little, perhaps using the chair method.

If he comes to you at night, it would be best to take him back to his room. We know that it is difficult and that it would be easier to lie down while continuing to rest, but in doing so the little one may not lose this habit very soon.

How do I put my baby to sleep?

A baby needs 11 hours of sleep a night. If he were to get up at seven in the morning, he would have to go to bed around eight. To help him fall asleep more easily, rituals should be introduced in the evening. Make the last hour before bed quieter. You shouldn't let loose or watch television anymore. Instead, you can listen to quiet music, read a story or tell something.

By the way: these tips also apply to older children.

Tips for sleeping through the night

Some babies fall asleep quickly in the evening, but wake up more often at night and then find it difficult to fall asleep again. With the right advice, you can make sure that the nocturnal awakening does not end in an hour of play, but in going back to sleep:

  • Wait and see, sometimes the baby doesn't wake up properly and goes back to sleep on his own.
  • Just turn on a little light, calm the baby with a lot of tranquility and delicacy. If necessary, briefly pick him up.
  • Put him back to bed as soon as possible, cover him well, say hello.
  • Give him his favorite stuffed animal in bed.
  • If your baby is often thirsty at night, have some water on hand.
  • Leave a night light on.

Important Note: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace a diagnosis made by a physician. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints, you should contact your doctor.

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