Dreaming of a bee - what is the psychological meaning?

Dreaming of a "bee is not at all obsolete: it is in fact a more frequent dream, and its meaning - in general - is almost always positive. Dreaming of a" bee, in fact, can refer to symbolic aspects related to fertility and " In some cases, however, it can take on a negative meaning: it depends a lot on the context of the dream itself.

If dreaming of a wasp or a hornet always has rather threatening meanings, dreaming of a bee has to do with one's desire for personal fulfillment, and is therefore linked to creativity, but also to inner balance. The bee, on the other hand, has always been a symbol of industriousness: just think of how the micro-society of a hive is organized and the ability of the insect to produce very sweet honey!

Of course, dreaming of a "bee that stings you will not have the same positive references ... So let's try to analyze the meaning of this recurring dream based on the context and situation of the dream. In the meantime, here is a video with the meaning of dreams. more frequent:

Dreaming of a "bee - this is the meaning!

As we have anticipated, the bee is the symbol of industriousness, of the ability to work hard in perspective, for one's own personal fulfillment. The honey that a bee produces is precious, it is like gold, it represents wealth and royalty. It is no coincidence that the ancient Egyptians believed that bees were born from the tears of the Sun god!

Dreaming of a bee recalls these meanings of royalty, wealth and splendor, as well as self-realization. It will therefore have the positive meaning of achieving success, of good results, and at the same time it will express our own industriousness, creative ability and strength in the carry out projects.

Dreaming of a "bee" can also refer to the same idea of ​​prosperity, fertility, and therefore also fruitful love. It can express diligence, discipline and even teamwork understood as the effort of an entire community (even of different parts of your ego. !) to achieve results as precious as honey, which can relate to practical goals (wealth, job satisfaction, the birth of a child), as well as simply spiritual: your spirit is reaching a higher level.

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Dreaming of snakes - what is the psychological meaning?

Dreaming of mice - what is the psychological meaning?

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Dreaming of a "huge bee or a" queen bee

Dreaming of a "large bee" can have a double meaning, positive or negative, and it is up to you to understand it based on the context of the dream and the feeling it left you, whether of anxiety and fear or of serenity and satisfaction.

Dreaming of a "giant bee, in fact, can emphasize the positive meanings we talked about before, thus representing a great personal satisfaction, a really good result, a great creative force and vitality. Or, in a negative sense, it could symbolize a big threat, something that scares us very much and that we feel dangerous for us.

If, on the other hand, you have happened to dream of a "queen bee, the meaning is different. The" queen bee represents a powerful and authoritarian female figure, at times threatening, but also very strong, regal, fertile. Dreaming of it could be the reference to a real person that you feel as threatening to you because it could focus all attention on itself or be an obstacle to you.

But there is also the possibility that the queen bee represents not an external threat, but a part of you that tries to emerge, to make your voice heard: inside you there is a strong, independent woman, herself authoritarian that you choke and that he would like to come out instead.

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Dreaming of a "bee that chases us or stings us

Dreaming of a "bee that chases you while you try to escape, or dreaming of a" bee that stings you does not have a positive meaning, quite "! This dream clearly represents a threat, something that scares you in real life and from which you try with all your strength to escape.

A "bee that tries to sting you" can represent a person or a situation that worries you, from which you feel "stung" and from which you cannot get rid of. It can also be an obsessive thought or a repressed feeling of anger that you cannot. to throw out and "stings" you from the "inside.

On the other hand, the fear of being stung by a bee is one of those that obsessed us most as children and returns to your dreams when you are experiencing a trauma or an important concern.

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Dreaming of having a "bee on or at home

Dreaming of having a "bee on you can take on different meanings based on the part of our body on which it rests. If you have ever dreamed of having a" bee in your hair, the meaning of the dream is positive: it means that they are about to arrive new ideas that will serve you and help you, making you more creative. A period of new opportunities may soon come!

Dreaming of a bee in the ears or nose, on the other hand, is negative: it indicates annoying thoughts that we cannot get rid of. The bee in the ears, in particular, can refer to people who speak ill of you behind your back.

If the "bee is in the mouth, there is a communication problem: there are words that you would like to express, but that do not" come out "and therefore it is as if they stung you from the inside. Then if the bee eats it, the dream is a good omen: it means that you are becoming hardworking and creative like her!

Finally, dreaming of having bees in the house is another excellent sign! Bees, as we have said, are a symbol of wealth and creativity, so they bring good! However, if in the dream you feel them as threatening, then they could represent a feeling of insecurity and fear that you are experiencing in your everyday life.

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Dreaming of a dead bee

Dreaming of a dead bee is also not uncommon. As you can imagine, this is not a good omen, indeed! The dead bee represents the "death" of its positive qualities within you: it means that you are experiencing a period in which you feel empty, devoid of creative energy, ideas, desire to do. It can also mean you are having economic problems or in any case related to the work sphere.

But be careful, if instead of the dead bee you dream of a dead wasp or hornet, then it means that you have finally got rid of a nasty threat!

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