Male or female? 20 bizarre ways to find out a baby's gender

The thrill of knowing the sex of the baby is one of the best parts of pregnancy, although some couples choose not to know until the day of delivery. The fact is that we don't always like technology and sometimes prefer to rely on bizarre and out-of-this-world methods. from the lines to find out if we are expecting a boy or a girl Here are some of the methods that were used in the old days to find out the sex of the baby.

Before continuing to read the article, we reveal in this video the ways to cuddle your baby when he is still in your tummy.

1. The heartbeat

To find out if the baby will be boy or girl, there is the heartbeat method. A baby's heartbeat is one of the most comforting sounds for a mother, but it can also provide other valuable information.
It is said that if the baby's heart beats more than 140 times per minute, it is a girl, if it does it less often, it will be a boy.
The validity of this test is not endorsed by the medical community, but even if it's just out of curiosity, you can try counting the beats during the next ultrasound.

See also

Sleepiness in pregnancy: does it appear if the baby is a boy or a girl?

Gender of the child: when is it known for sure?

How to get pregnant with a female: lots of practice and few bananas

2. The red cabbage test

You probably won't find red cabbage particularly appetizing during pregnancy, but you can use it in another way, which is to find out if the baby you're expecting is a boy or a girl. How to do?

  • Put it to boil
  • Save the cooking water
  • Mix a few drops of your urine
  • If the mixture takes on a purple color, it means that you are expecting a boy, if instead the final color is pink, then you are pregnant with a girl

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3. The test of the ring

How do you know the sex of the baby? Here is a trick that has existed since the days of our great-grandmothers.
You can tie a string around a ring you are fond of, and then lie down.
Ask your partner or friend to place the rope with the ring on the belly.
If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, the baby will be a boy.
If it swings in a circular motion, then it will be a female.

Even if you don't know the gender yet, have you and your partner already thought about the name to give to the unborn child? If you are short of ideas, we will help you! Click here and be inspired by our endless list of names for all tastes!

4. The garlic method

If you are a lover of garlic, this is the right method for you to find out if you are pregnant with a boy or a girl. It may be unpleasant for some, but here is what you need to do anyway.
If you eat garlic and you see that you don't digest it and your skin stinks, then you are pregnant with a baby.
If not, if everything is fine after ingesting the garlic clove, then a baby is more likely inside your belly.

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5. The key

This is probably one of the most absurd methods of finding out the sex of the unborn child you have ever heard.
The future mother's family and friends must ask her to take a key.
If the woman grabs the key from the flat side then she is pregnant with a baby.
If, on the other hand, he picks up the key from the round side, he is said to be waiting for a girl.

6. The Mayan calendar

The Maya have contributed a lot to modern civilization. They didn't just focus on writing and astronomy, they also had a system for understanding the sex of the unborn.

Apparently, if the date of conception of the child and the age of the pregnant woman are an even or odd number, then it will be a girl. But if these numbers do not match, and one is an odd number and the other is an even number, then the kicks in the belly come from a boy!

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7. Morning sickness

Nausea is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, there are those who suffer less from it and those who, especially in the first months, have very frequent nausea. You can use nausea to understand if you are expecting a boy or a girl. How?
If you experience severe and severe nausea during pregnancy, you will be pregnant with a baby girl.
If not, the future baby should be a boy.

8. The position of the baby in the belly

For sure you have already heard this method.
If your baby inside the tummy is placed on your back, it will be a girl.
But if he is on his stomach, he will be male.

9. Sweet or salty

It is very common to have birthmarks during pregnancy. Try to observe what kind of cravings you have most frequently.
Are chocolate, cakes and candies always on your mind? Maybe it's because you're expecting a baby girl.
Pizza, chips, crackers: would you eat them free of charge? Maybe because your child will be a boy.

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10. The bicarbonate

Here's another quirky way to find out your child's gender. Yes, unfortunately this test includes the use of pee.

  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of urine should be added to a glass of baking soda.

If the mixture bubbles, you are pregnant with a baby, otherwise if nothing happens you will have a sissy!

11. The Chinese pregnancy calendar

Like the Maya, the Chinese also have a way of predicting the sex of children, and in fact it is very similar. If you consider the age of the pregnant woman and the month in which the baby was conceived, you can find out the sex. Find out more about the Chinese pregnancy calendar.

12. The acne test

You may notice some pimples on your face during pregnancy. In the past it was believed that the cause of these pimples was the baby in the womb. But if the mother doesn't have acne problems, then she may be expecting a baby.

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13. The color of the nipples

If you notice that your nipples have become darker during pregnancy, it may be because you are expecting a baby. If they don't change color, it will be a girl!

14. The shape of the face

Normally, a woman's face during pregnancy tends to get rounder, basically due to weight gain. It was believed that if this happened to you, you could get pregnant with a girl. But if your face stays that way. always, in your belly there could be a boy.

15. The hair on the legs

One way to find out if you are expecting a boy or a girl is to observe the growth of body hair. If pregnancy speeds up due to the extra testosterone, then you will become a mother to a baby. If not, it is likely that it will be a little girl. Of course, there is no scientific basis for this method either.

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16. The mood swings

Frequent mood swings may be noted during pregnancy: from nervousness to crying about anything. It is believed that the reason for these changes in emotions is because she is expecting a girl.

See also: How to sleep in pregnancy: the photographic project by Jana Romanova

© istock. How do you sleep when pregnant?

17. Quite the opposite of what you are hoping for

If you can't wait to have a girl, obviously the stork will try to get a baby boy! And vice versa ...

18. Weight gain

It is normal for pregnant women to gain around 10 pounds. The shape of the waistline can reveal the sex of the baby: if it has increased significantly, it will be a girl, but if there have been no major changes, it will be a boy.

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19. The first word

This test is for pregnant women who have already had children. If the first word the first child said was "mom," then you are expecting a girl. If the first word she mentioned was "dad", then you might have a boy.

20. Cold feet

Simple: if your feet get cold during pregnancy, you're expecting a baby; but if your feet stay warm, you're expecting a baby.

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