7 alternative ways to use talcum powder in your beauty routine

In the field of beauty, economic and multifunctional products are spreading more and more, whose properties we can exploit to take care of various parts of the body, from the skin of the legs and face to the hair. One of these is definitely the talcum powder. That's right, the talcum powder used especially for the redness of the dermis of children is actually a real must of beauty to always have at hand. This product helps us to counteract various imperfections and is to be added to the long list of simple and easy to find grandma remedies to always be beautiful.

1. The talcum powder against pimples

Here is the first way to use talcum powder: it is used to remove the unsightly pimples that have appeared on our face. In fact, thanks to the zinc that contains baby powder, it can be perfectly used as an emergency product against pimples. As a reminder, zinc has an anti-inflammatory effect. Plus, it helps relieve redness.

What to do: after cleaning your face in the evening, apply a little talcum powder on the pimples with a cotton swab. The next morning you will already see a first result. The redness will be less intense and pimples less evident!

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2. The talcum powder for a mask beauty home made

In addition to being beneficial for oily skin with blemishes such as acne and pimples, talcum powder helps any skin type to achieve a smooth, toned and radiant appearance. To prepare this mask baby skin, that is, for perfect skin like that of a child, there is nothing simpler! Only two ingredients will be needed: talcum powder and water.

What to do: Mix 4 teaspoons of talcum powder with a few drops of water. Apply this homemade mask on your face, leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse. Your skin will never have been so soft!

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3. The talcum powder for a perfect complexion

Above all, oily skin tends to look glossy during the day. In fact, the excess of sebum causes the face to become covered with an annoying greasy effect, so much so as to ruin even our make-up. What is needed in these cases is one of the many opacifying powders which, however, can have a very high cost. However, also this time the talcum powder can come to our aid.

What to do: just apply a little talcum powder with a powder brush in the T-zone of the face, ie forehead, nose and chin ... and that's it!

4. Baby powder helps maintain makeup

Talcum powder is an excellent base for make-up. In fact, it not only mattifies even the most oily skin, but also makes the make-up last longer than that applied directly to the face.

What to do: Powder your face - not forgetting your eyelids - before you start putting on make-up. The talc will help your foundation and eyeshadow hold better.

5. The talcum powder for long and voluminous lashes

For beautiful, long and voluminous lashes, there are many bases to apply before using mascara, available in both perfumeries and supermarkets. However, few people know that baby powder can also be used.

What to do: After applying the first layer of mascara, use an eyelash brush to apply some baby powder. With this step your lashes will be longer and thicker. Finally, finish by applying a second and final layer of mascara The result: perfect lashes for a star look!

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6. The talcum powder soothes the skin after waxing

Even though we moisturize our skin every day, imperfections always appear when we shave. Thus, the red spots and itchiness that appear after waxing or after razor-cutting are annoying and rather unpleasant to see.

What to do: Apply some talcum powder on the affected areas both before and after hair removal. The powder will protect the irritated skin from small inflammations and redness.

7. The talcum powder as a dry shampoo

Dry shampoo has been a revolution in the beauty world for its practicality and comfort. However, it may happen that precisely in the case of a last-minute emergency it does not have one. Fortunately, also in this case the talc comes to our rescue.

What to do: just sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on the hair roots and massage it into the scalp. The powder absorbs the sebum from the scalp and immediately makes the hair fresher, removing the annoying greasy effect.

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