To make him come back ... stop looking for him!

If finding love were easy we would all be smiling and satisfied: no wrong man, no forgotten anniversary and no need for a bra created specifically to tell us if the person in front of us is the one for us.

The truth is that in love there is nothing simple. It is not easy to undress in front of another person where by undressing we mean "making ourselves known as we are", clothes are just a barrier between us and the world, and not it is easy to compromise, to give up a small part of us (for example the talent shows on Thursday nights) to welcome a small part of the other who once a week has a soccer match with his friends, a game I am at also warmly invite their sweet halves.

See also

Forgiving a betrayal: how to succeed and trust again

How to forget an ex: 7 tips for returning to life after the end of a relationship

Zombieing: If someone comes back into your life when you least expect it

What to do when it's over

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First of all, cry. Cry and fearlessly experience all stages of grief. At first it will seem impossible to face life with two shoulders instead of four, you will reject what has happened and you will do what is in your power to be able to go back.
He probably won't come back and, if he does, it will hardly work. Too little time has passed, you haven't changed and neither has he. When something falls and breaks it remains sharp unless something else acts on its contours: water, air or, more simply, the days, the months.
Take the time to smooth out your corners and lick your wounds. You loved and it did not go as you hoped but do not despair: it is not over.

Find yourself

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If you run towards him you get tired and it is not at all pleasant to try so hard when on the other side we see only two feet that want to stay still.
Get out and start living again, say yes to that "friend you haven't seen for a long time, the one who spent more time on other people's sofas during the university years than in the bed in her room," breathes freedom deeply. At first it won't feel like freedom because you can't share it with your loved one, however, one small step at a time, and you will learn to walk again.

Meet halfway

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It is you but you have changed, thanks to your friends who prevented you from sending him audio on whatsapp in the middle of the night, they made sure that you did not go to his house to scrub his car and they supported you in the moments when you needed them most : now you are ready to start again, a sparkling phoenix resurrected from its own ashes.
You are always the one, you go out to buy bread and you forget to buy bread, but you do it with the awareness of who can do it and, as we know, men like awareness.
You will be strong, radiant and beautiful like the sun. He'll come back, though, if he doesn't ... You'll be ready for a new adventure.

Tags:  News - Gossip Fashion Women-Of-Today