Meaning of tattoos: what the most famous tattoos represent

More and more people are choosing to get a tattoo. The reasons that lead to tattooing are different and vary from case to case. There are those who decide to engrave a specific drawing or writing on the skin of their body for a purely aesthetic reason, while others combine the art of tattooing with a profound meaning, often very intimate and personal. Motivations aside, it can be seen that in the world of tattoos some subjects are the most popular and not so much for a matter of fashion. A tattoo is a symbol, a memory to cling to and to keep forever.

In this article we will reveal the meanings behind the most famous and appreciated tattoos, both by men and women. First, however, we recommend that you keep in mind the directions suggested in this short video if you are thinking about getting a tattoo. Do you know everything about this real art?

The meaning of tattoos depicting animals

Many of the most famous tattoos have an animal as their subject. Depending on the species, the meaning of the tattoo changes, which can change from being a symbol of protection to a reminder of your pet to always keep in the heart and also on the skin.

  • Eagle - this tact is especially preferred by men. The ancient Greeks used it to represent Zeus, while today it symbolizes strength, courage and freedom.
  • Dog: for any culture, the dog has always been a positive symbol. For example, for the culture of the ancient Egyptians it was associated with Anubis, the god who acted as an intermediary between earthly life and that after death, while in China it indicates Fortune. In general, the dog represents fidelity and protection.
  • Koi carp: able to go up the strong currents of rivers and to challenge death without fear, this fish is famous in the culture of China and Japan for its resistance. As a tattoo, it symbolizes perseverance, courage and determination.
  • Horse: noble animal par excellence, as well as in dreams and in art, even in the world of tattoos the horse is a symbol of strength, free spirit and nobility.
  • Dolphin: Regarded as the most intelligent after humans, dolphins have a positive meaning in all cultures. There are those who see them as a symbol of protection - they often accompany the sailors' ships along the routes - and those who are a sign of luck and intelligence.
  • Butterfly: the little insect is certainly one of the most loved tattoos by women but there is no shortage of examples among men. It represents everything related to change, metamorphosis and rebirth, but also femininity and beauty. Given its short life, it is considered as the emblem of the fragility of existence.

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© Pinterest Butterfly tattoos

  • Phoenix: being mythological, the phoenix was famous for its ability to rise from its ashes, while for the Egyptian culture it represented the Sun God. Even today it symbolizes adaptation to changes, immortality and rebirth.
  • Cat: As with other pets, many people choose to remember their cat as the subject for a tattoo. In general, this animal is a symbol of intelligence, independence and mystery.
  • Leo: in Buddhism it symbolizes wisdom, while for other cultures the sense of protection and security. In general, the lion is chosen for tattoos, especially by men, to be the emblem of courage, strength, power and endurance.
  • Swallow: this subject began to be popular thanks to the sailors because they were the first birds to be seen when approaching the mainland. For this reason the swallows are both a symbol of hope and of love and fidelity, since they are monogamous.
  • Tiger: in China it is the animal emblem of protection, while in other countries it indicates beauty, passion and power.
  • Unicorn: a good and kind mythological animal, the unicorn is one of the four sacred animals of China that should appear in times of prosperity. In the Middle Ages this species was considered not only humble but invincible, because it could only be tamed by a virgin, the symbol of purity par excellence.

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The meaning of tattoos with the subject of flowers

Along with animals, flowers are also among the most chosen designs for a tattoo, perfect for any part of the body. They owe this success above all to their rich symbolism. In fact, not only in the tattoo world, but in general, one or more meanings are hidden behind each flower so as to make them a fascinating and emblematic species.

  • Cherry blossom: it is one of the symbols of Japan, where it has the meaning of courage, rebirth after severe pain and the union of family ties. Thus, as a tattoo it represents birth, life and, in some cases, is chosen for remembering a missing person, because it is a very fragile flower.
  • Lotus flower: another symbol of Japan and some countries of Asia, the shape of this flower has made it the emblem of perfection. However, its main meaning, even as a tattoo, remains that of rebirth, eternity and fertility.
  • Sunflower: thanks to its bright and gaudy colors, the sunflower is ideal for people with a cheerful and, indeed, sunny character. It represents friendship that lasts over time and loyalty.
  • Hibiscus: chosen both for the variety of colors it offers - typically summer - and for its unique and particular shape, the meanings of this tattoo are those of prosperity and beauty, even if tattooed in white it becomes the synonym of purity.

See also: Flower tattoos: meanings and ideas to inspire you!

© Pinterest Flower tattoos: meanings and ideas to inspire you!

  • Orchid: unlike most flowers, the meaning of the sophisticated orchid can be associated with mystery, if tattooed in black, while in white it becomes a symbol of sensual and carnal love.
  • Rose: Probably the most loved floral tattoo. As a rule, the rose is associated with the meanings of elegance and beauty, but it is only through its color that it receives more detailed meanings. For example, the red rose has always been a symbol of love and passion, while the pink one of grace and sweetness, the yellow one of friendship and, finally, the blue one of mystery and dream.
  • Daisy: In some cultures, these flowers have the power to predict the future and to guide human beings in their lives. For this reason, one of their meanings is that of truth, as well as being a symbol of purity and innocence, so much so as to recall pure love like that of childhood. The same meaning is shared by the calla and the lily.

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The symbols of the tattoo world and their meaning

There are also many symbols that are chosen indiscriminately between men and women as tattoos. Here are the most famous:

  • Tree of Life: In general, trees are sacred in most cultures, both Western and Eastern. They represent the life cycle, the link between past and present and also the link between earth and sky. The tree of life is a symbol of protection and knowledge.
  • Phases of the moon: this tattoo indicates the changes that can be encountered during the "arc of existence" and how we must adapt to them every time. The moon itself is the emblem of femininity.
  • Celtic knot: like the classic symbol of infinity in the shape of an inverted "8", Celtic knots also have neither a beginning nor an end and for this reason they indicate eternity.
  • Eye of Horus: taken from the god dating back to the time of the ancient Egyptians, anyone who chooses this tattoo considers it a symbol of protection against enemies and rebirth after death.
  • Ohm: sacred symbol of Hinduism and Buddhism, the three letters represent the three states of human life, namely wakefulness, dream and deep sleep.
  • Ying and Yang: balance between light and shadow, between good and evil, this tattoo symbolizes the coexistence and necessity of opposites in the universe.

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The meaning of the objects most represented as tattoos

Finally, various objects are represented as tattoos because they too can take on a different meaning from what they have in everyday life and particularly dear to the person who chooses them.

  • Again: it had become the quintessential symbol of sailors and their adventures, now this tattoo is famous among women and men because it signifies stability, safety and hope.
  • Compass: this object is often chosen by those who have experienced a period of bewilderment in their life after which they have managed to find themselves.
  • Arrows: they have different meanings depending on the case. They can refer both to dreams and goals to be achieved and to mistakes made and then overcome.
  • Feathers: for Native Americans, feathers allow dreams to fly and reach the minds of people on Earth. As a tattoo, they indicate, in fact, the dream, the spirituality and also the creative ability to elevate oneself.
  • Sailing ship: symbol par excellence of freedom, the sailing ship is tattooed with the meaning of solitude, calm and pride.