Signs of fire: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

Those of astrology and horoscope are themes that fascinate but at the same time encounter some criticism. For those who believe in the influence of the stars on our life, recognizes four categories of zodiac signs based on natural elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are part of the first "group". Given the lively and almost always impetuous temperament of the element, anyone born under one of these signs has a strong personality which, despite any ascendant, certainly does not go unnoticed.

Of all four elements, Fire is the lightest and, in astrology, it becomes synonymous with intuition and intuition. According to the season of the three signs, some of the qualities of the "Fire that distinguishes them" change, but, in any case, certain basic assumptions remain. Fire is recognized as the symbol of individualism, courage, resourcefulness and creativity, because it is the natural element that transforms matter.

In this article, we reveal all the main characteristics of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, including their strengths, weaknesses and affinities with other signs of the Zodiac. If you want to go deeper into the world of the stars and the horoscope, this short video will tell you 3 adjectives that best describe each zodiac sign:


Those who celebrate their birthday between March 21 and April 20 are of the sign of Aries, the first of the Zodiac. The Fire of Aries is mobile and impetuous, because it introduces the spring season and that period of the year where the hours of light. From the second half of March, in fact, the climate and with it the surrounding nature changes significantly. It is directly influenced by the planet Mars, a symbol of impulsiveness and energy, which explains its warrior and passionate nature, especially in love.

Strengths: endowed with a surprising vitality and courage, Aries are very resourceful and dynamic, able to accept new challenges and constantly strive to overcome them. Their inner strength also translates into optimism and spontaneity, as well as a fervent passion both in love and with respect to life in general.

Flaws: The tendency to accept new challenges leads Aries people to be very competitive, sometimes too much. Furthermore, there is a certain tendency to impulsiveness, impatience and also to irascibility, due to the strong and predominant characteristics of the element of Fire.

Affinity with the other signs: in the couple, Aries needs a partner who knows how to take care of him without depriving him of his independence. This explains why Gemini is perfect, also lovers of freedom, just like Aquarius. Yes they find affinities, not only in terms of love, also with Leo, Sagittarius and Libra, its opposite sign.

Avoid: Earth and Water signs, especially Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Precious stone: ruby.

Metal: iron.

See also

Signs of water: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

Air signs: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

Aries Virgo Ascendant: Fire and Rationality!

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Those born between 23 July and 23 August are of the sign of Leo. Unlike that of Aries, in the case of Leo the Fire is fixed, because it is anchored in the center of the summer season. to the fullest of his strength. It is influenced not really by a planet, but by a dwarf star, the Sun, a symbol of passion, of energy, but also of vanity and arrogance.

Pros: Leo people are known for their generosity and pride. These two qualities are particularly evident when they are in company, where they stand out for their charisma and driving force. For this reason, Leo individuals are perfect for being leaders and helping out in times of trouble.

Defects: Their strong personality and the influence of the Sun often leads them to be excessively focused on themselves and their appearance, making them vain and self-centered. Then, like other Fire signs, they tend to be aggressive and grumpy, despite the fact. ascendant can appease this aspect.

Affinity with other signs: Paired, Leo gets along very well with Libra, a fairly mild sign that dulls their short temper. In relationships, not only in terms of love, it goes along with the other two Fire signs as well as with Virgo and Capricorn.

Avoid: Taurus, Cancer and Pisces.

Gemstone: diamond.

Metal: gold.

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All those who celebrate their birthday between November 22nd and December 21st are of the sign of Sagittarius. The Fire of Sagittarius is mobile and has the purpose of illuminating the darkness of the end of autumn. In astrology, it is called a "metaphysical Fire", because, compared to Aries and Leo, Sagittarius tends to look more "beyond the world" The planet that influences it is Jupiter, symbol of success, of youth, but also of pride.

Advantages: Expansive and selfless, Sagittarius exudes positivity and is a generous and outgoing sign, with a great spirit of initiative. These qualities almost always lead him to travel, to get to know new things and people. His predominantly cheerful temperament, which causes him to be of great company.

Defects: accepts new challenges willingly, but this can lead him to sin of impulsiveness and naivety. Furthermore, his honesty often turns into a lack of diplomacy and aggression, mainly due to the influence of Jupiter.

Affinity with the other signs: unlike the other two Fire signs, an "intense love story" can arise between Sagittarius and Water signs, such as Cancer or Pisces. It is good both in couple and in friendship, with signs of Air, such as Gemini and Aquarius, or the Virgo of Earth, as well as with Aries and Leo.

Avoid: Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Precious stone: garnet.

Metal: tin.