Low calorie desserts really exist: find out what they are!

That's right: low calorie sugars really exist. They contain little or no fat and this is clearly reflected in the calorie count. After all, fat is the number one source of calories with 9 kcal per gram; sugar, on the other hand, has only 4 kcal per gram.

But beware: just because low-calorie desserts don't land immediately on your stomach and hips doesn't mean you can eat them without restraint. These sweets also contain calories, but not as many. And don't forget: low-calorie sweets also cause tooth decay. That's why we recommend you enjoy lollipops, jelly bears and chocolates without remorse, but in small quantities! Small doses are never condemned and, above all, never deprive yourself of your cravings! There are many different solutions, such as these tasty light desserts. And ... why not indulge in a cuddle every now and then?

See also

Montignac diet: scheme and menu to follow of the low glycemic index diet c

Low glycemic index diet: the ideal diet for weight loss, with example of me

Glycemic index: the table of foods with high, medium and low GI

The 10 low calorie desserts:

1. Popcorn

Cinema without popcorn? Unthinkable! Luckily, access is allowed at 109 kcal per 40 grams. (And of course the savory version has fewer calories than the sweetened version).
And when you don't go to the cinema, why give it up? Find out how to make a movie night perfect!

Just as you might imagine, it's even healthier if you make popcorn yourself. With a popcorn machine, it all works even without fat or oil.

Here on Amazon you will find a "great popcorn machine for only € 35.99!"

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2. Lollipop

With a lollipop you keep your mouth and hunger engaged for quite some time. Perfect for anyone who would like to lose weight and still can't keep their hands off sweets: fat-free, a lollipop of the weight of about 20 g has about 50 kcal.

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3. Chocolate kisses

Chocolate kisses are part of our childhood. If you want to snack on low calorie sweets, you should buy another pack. A chocolate kiss (20 g) has only 71 kcal!
And then, you know, dark chocolate does not get fat but on the contrary it has numerous beneficial properties!

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4. Gummy bears

So lucky! Fruit candies such as gummy bears also belong to the category of low-calorie sweets. A handful (about 15 g) has around 52 kcal and has no fat.

Amazon offers 100 mini sachets for only € 13.99!

5. Marshmallows

Light as a feather and sweet as sugar: Marshmallows practically melt in your mouth and are so deliciously sweet. It is possible not to give it up, because a portion of marshmallows (20 g) has only 67 kcal.

By the way, marshmallows taste especially good when you grill them. By holding them for a short time on the fire, they are crunchy and caramelized on the outside and wonderfully creamy on the inside.

For all beginners in the marshmallow grill: on Amazon you can find the bamboo skewers to glaze the marshmallows!

Don't miss out on this amazing recipe!

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6. Licorice

Licorice is also low in calories and contains no fat. A small portion of 20 grams has in fact only 76 kcal. In addition, it is often considered a good remedy for low blood pressure: how effective is it? Find out here.

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7. Hard candies

Hard candies are as good as a lollipop: they can be eaten for a long time and have only about 20 kcal per piece (5 g).

Good to know: In some shops you can also buy sugar-reduced or even sugar-free confectionery!

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8. Russian bread

For those who prefer to munch rather than suck, Russian bread is the best choice. Pasta is low in fat and only has 78 kcal per 20g serving.

9. Puffed rice

Puffed rice is also great for any crunchy fan. A small portion (20 g) reaches only 77 kcal.

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10. Candied fruit

If you prefer a fruity taste, you should treat yourself to a portion (25 g) of candied fruit: it has only 66 kcal!

It's time for the test! Choose a dessert and find out about your personality!

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