Dazzling smile with cinnamon whitening

Cinnamon has always been recognized as a very good and fragrant spice and also beneficial for our health. It is said to aid metabolism and even be aphrodisiac! Not everyone knows, however, that it can also be really good for whitening teeth in an absolutely natural, as well as pleasant, way.
Let's discover the method of our expert, Rosalia Cataldi.


1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of olive oil

See also

Tips from the most popular stars to show off an irresistible smile


Mix all the ingredients until you get a paste to apply on the toothbrush. Brush your teeth for two minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Subsequently, you can also use a do-it-yourself mouthwash based on a quarter of a glass of fresh water and two drops of tea tree essential oil, a completely natural antibacterial

Cinnamon and lemon have whitening and polishing properties for the teeth as well as having antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Working in synergy with olive oil which has antioxidant and polishing properties thanks to the presence of fatty acids, they guarantee a white and shining smile in a natural way.
A simple and inexpensive method for a healthy and dazzling smile. Remember to ask the dentist anyway!

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