He suffered from anorexia for many years but never stopped fighting. Today it has become like this ...

Anorexia is not just a disease. It is a jail that forces those who suffer from it into a dark and difficult world. There are those who need so much help and cannot admit it. There are those who manage to accept that they have a problem and start their fight.
Megan Jayne Crabbe is one of these people: she has suffered from anorexia since she was 14 but then, encouraged by the power of many women who fought and shared their battle on social media, she decided it was time to quit. And from there it began its slow but beautiful ascent. Seeing your body change is hard, but how many is this smile worth?

Megan is now 23 and has started a blog, bodyposipanda.com, which fully supports the philosophy of the Body Positive movement, according to which every body, regardless of prejudices, is beautiful in all its forms. Even on her instagram profile bodyposipanda, she celebrates her victories every day and those of those who, like her, are learning to accept themselves. Not because she has no alternative, huh, but because she feels really beautiful!

See also

The 15 saddest songs of the last 30 years

"I refuse to see my reflection as a problem that needs to be solved. I refuse to spend another year at war with my body."

So let's give ourselves a moment of well-being and do as Megan: LET'S DANCE, without worrying even a minute about how our body will move. Always infinitely beautiful <3

And for all the women who fight against themselves every day in order not to give in to stereotypes, for all those who still have to succeed, we dedicate this message to you:

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