How many steps a day does it take to stay fit and live healthy?

That doing a bit of physical movement constantly is good for our body is certainly not new. The first rule of a correct lifestyle is undoubtedly walking: but how long does it take to walk every day? How many steps do you need to take to really keep fit? And above all, which variables affect the amount of ideal physical activity for each individual? For sure, reading this article and discovering all the benefits that a simple walk can bring to your life you will immediately want to wear shoes. But first be prepared to smile! Discover all the ways you can walk and choose the one that suits you best.

Thirty minutes a day

The studies speak for themselves: to keep yourself active and to fully appreciate the health benefits of physical activity you should do at least 30 minutes of sport every day. We are talking about a moderate intensity and it is not even said that the 30 minutes must be consecutive, three quick sessions of 10 minutes each will do just fine!
If your life is very sedentary and you are not used to doing any kind of physical activity, a gradual approach to walking will be good: do not start at 30 minutes but keep them as a goal to reach. If, on the other hand, you are a sportswoman and you are already exercising every day 30 minutes may be few, you can do much more to feel fit!
Put on your favorite shoes, let's start training!

See also

Fast walking: the benefits of staying fit with ease

How to feel good physically: 10 golden rules to live in harmony with your co

Properties of the apple: the benefits of the fruit of health par excellence See also: Women's sports shoes: the best, all for you!

© adidas Originals Women's sports shoes: the best, all for you!

The 10,000 daily steps

Today there are sensors, pedometers, accelerometers and pedometers of all types on the market, very cheap. These sensors are not able to perceive the intensity of the movement carried out, however they are widely used and appreciated.
Those who use them know that in these devices the threshold of 10,000 steps is indicated as the minimum amount of steps to be taken every day. We can practically say that 10,000 steps has become a kind of catchphrase for any fitness app enthusiast. 10,000 steps correspond to about 8 kilometers: however, this is a symbolic figure and not really explanatory as it is subject to a series of variables (who walks them, how long, with what type of step, how long are his legs, etc. .). A pedometer will always count 10,000 steps but cannot distinguish how long we have walked them and with what intensity. So if having a pedometer with you is an excellent habit to monitor your physical activity, it is important to remember that in order for the steps to bring the desired benefits, you must follow them at a brisk pace and consistently. But where did this threshold of 10,000 steps per day come from? And is this really the minimum quantity?

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Why 10,000 steps?

This number has no scientific basis but derives from the nickname that Japan gave to a pedometer in the 1960s, mampokey, which literally means "the 10,000 step meter".From that moment, also thanks to the charm of the round number, this number is used all over the world to identify the minimum amount of movement necessary to live long, stay fit and feel at your best.

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Is taking 10,000 steps a day useful or not?

The answer is yes, as long as 10,000 is seen as a minimum and purely indicative threshold, not as a goal to be achieved. Equally important is the intensity with which you walk, which must be at least moderate. In short, walking around the house and at low speed is not worth it!

The benefits of walking

The number of 10,000 steps as we have seen therefore does not have a real scientific foundation but can be considered a standard to refer to. In fact, no one tells us that making 9000 things will change! What we can say with certainty is that physical activity is good for us! Walking brings many benefits to our body, especially if the speed and quantity threshold is increased gradually and not too hard and fast (otherwise we will only be full of muscle pain). Walking reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure. We must not believe that walking makes you lose weight immediately, losing weight visibly is not healthy and above all that is not the main benefit. Step by step, the muscles train and produce antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Walking reduces blood sugar, cholesterol, strengthens our immune defenses and increases the production of endorphins.

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In short, by walking you gain health! So are you ready? By taking 10,000 steps every day you will accumulate 150 minutes of physical activity per week: an excellent result for your well-being!

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