Does the lack of Vitamin D make you fat? Here's what you need to know

Lack of vitamin D is a problem that plagues many people. It is an often silent disorder, of which we have no obvious signs and which can only be brought to light through blood tests. But what does it cause? There are many aspects of the correct functioning of the organism linked to a lack of vitamin D, let's find out together what they are.

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Vitamin D: what is it and what is it for?

Vitamin D, also called the sun vitamin, is synthesized by the skin just when we expose ourselves to sunlight. It is a very important substance for the normal functioning of the whole organism, particularly useful for the health of teeth and bones. It also acts significantly for the correct functioning of the immune system and the central nervous system.
Finally, even if we never would have said it, it plays a fundamental role in weight loss, which is why if you are looking to get back into shape you should first check your vitamin D values ​​and then follow a balanced diet rich in foods that contain it.

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Why does a lack of vitamin D make you fat?

Almost 80% of the population in Italy is deficient in vitamin D (hypovitaminosis d) and this aspect, in addition to making weight loss extremely difficult, increases the risk of suffering from:

  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • lack of concentration
  • depression
  • bone fragility
  • muscle weakness

Vitamin D, unlike the others, is a real hormone that causes an increase in adipose tissue and consequently in body weight in those without it. By starting to integrate this substance also and above all through an "adequate diet, it is possible to exploit the fat burning properties of vitamin D, which is also able to accelerate the metabolism and make you lose weight.

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Being deficient in vitamin D is not an easily identifiable condition, because there are few signs that act as an alarm bell. The main symptoms tend to appear only when the levels of this substance become very low.
Most individuals are asymptomatic, but for a small percentage of people here are the main observable symptoms:

  • recurrent fatigue
  • difficulty thinking clearly
  • bone pain
  • fragile bones and recurrent fractures that struggle to heal
  • muscle weakness
  • joint pain

Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency

Among the main consequences of an untreated vitamin D deficiency there are three in particular, which we want to investigate.

  • Rickets

Rickets is a condition in which bones are extremely weakened and begin to deform to support body weight. The legs may appear crooked, the jaw deformed, and the rib cage sunken. It is a real vitamin D deficiency disease, which fortunately is increasingly rare nowadays.

  • Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis also causes weakening of the bones. There is a real reduction in the bone mineral mass which causes frequent fractures that are difficult to reassemble.

  • Cardiovascular diseases

The lack of vitamin D is also involved in some of the most frequent cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which is why as soon as we realize we are deficient it is important to intervene in a timely manner.

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4 things you didn't know about the action of Vitamin D

1 - Vitamin D is able to reduce and eliminate adipose tissue carrying out a strong slimming action. Furthermore, it is able to regulate hunger levels which are very often high in subjects who are deficient. The continuous stimulus of hunger is the main cause of obesity, which is why it is important to always choose satisfying foods as well as rich in vitamin D in order not to overdo it and feel satisfied.

2 - Vitamin D increases testosterone, famous for being the fat-burning hormone, it also improves muscle tone and lean mass, especially if supported by a healthy diet and constant physical activity. Those with low levels of this vitamin are more prone to water retention problems and skin imperfections such as "orange peel skin", known to be among the most frequent ailments, especially in women.

3 - Those who are very overweight will have a chronic lack of vitamin D due to the fact that this substance remains trapped in the fat and is not efficiently synthesized and made available for the body. It is therefore advisable, when blood tests show an important deficiency, to immediately start a healthy diet and gradually integrate vitamin D so that they can work in synergy.

4 - Lack of vitamin D also makes you fat because it predisposes to depression. This substance, in fact, is able to regulate the mood and well-being of the whole body, both physical and mental. It regulates the levels of
serotonin which, if low, are also the main culprits for insomnia or in general for disturbed and not at all restorative sleep.

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How to increase vitamin D if you are deficient in it?

What can you do to increase vitamin D in your body? Follow these tips.

  • Follow a balanced diet, get advice from a nutritionist on the most suitable foods for your specific case.
  • If your doctor deems it necessary, take supplements as prescribed.
  • Try to increase your exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible. Doing sports or just walking outdoors could help you in this regard.

Consider that the human body should consume at least 400 IU of vitamin D every day, but it must be said that with advancing age and therefore with aging, the organism weakens and is able to synthesize less and less vitamin D. Not surprisingly, in the elderly this is usually quite low and problems with bones and joints can also occur, the main areas affected by a deficiency of this substance. Finally, it is important to underline that vitamin D, unlike the others which are eliminated with sweat, feces or urine, can be stored.

The advice to expose yourself to the sun remains valid for everyone, but there are very specific rules to follow.

  • Avoid the hottest hours, which are usually the middle of the day, preferring the early morning or late afternoon.
  • 15 minutes of exposure are enough to store vitamin D, do not stay too long so you will avoid annoying burns.
  • If you are strict with the two rules described above, you can avoid the use of sunscreen in the first minutes of exposure to the sun, but this aspect is extremely important and we recommend that you ask your dermatologist for advice.

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Foods rich in vitamin D.

According to some studies, the intake of certain foods rich in vitamin D can make you lose weight quickly, regaining your physical shape in a short time. What are we talking about? Here is a useful list to adjust.

  • Fish:

- salmon
- trout
- herring
- swordfish
- eel
- mackerel
- tuna

  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Egg
  • Mushrooms
  • Yogurt
  • Cereals
  • Orange juice

It is good to remember not to overdo the intake of the aforementioned foods, in order not to incur undesirable effects, even serious ones such as vomiting, nausea, kidney stones and heart problems.

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