Take care of your shoes

Our tips to minimize wear
Low-cut shoes, boots, ballet flats, sneakers ... Our shoes get damaged more or less quickly depending on how they are kept. Just a little attention is needed to extend the life of your shoes.

- Do not hesitate to disinfect the inside of the shoe with a special spray (sold at the supermarket or pharmacy), to prevent fungi from forming.

- Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes for two days in a row to allow them to rest and eliminate moisture.

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- Always buy the right size for you. If the shoes are too small, your toes are forced to remain bent and the big toe touches the toe. Your feet will hurt and your shoes will deform. If they are too big, the foot will lift as you step. It will not be supported properly and you may twist your ankle.
- Avoid buying insoles or half insoles, which deform the shoe and crush it.
- Give your shoe soles a second life by asking your shoemaker to add new ones, preferably non-slip, every one or two years.

The right product for every material
Generally, it is advisable to waterproof any type of shoe, regardless of the material it is made of. A waterproofing spray protects from moisture and nourishes.

- Skin:
It should be hydrated and nourished like our own skin. Clean leather shoes with a soft cloth to remove dirt. To nourish them, apply a milk that "heals" the skin with a woolen cloth. Let it dry.

It is useless to wax them too soon. It is best to wait several weeks after purchase to polish the shoes with a wax of the same color or transparent.

- Suede:
More fragile than leather and more delicate to treat, like nubuck. It should not be polished, but there are creams on purpose to remove the most stubborn stains from this type of fabric. Always use a soft dry or slightly damp cloth or a special and very delicate rubber.

- The synthetic:
It is less fragile than the skin. Clean with a damp rag or soft bristle brush. Polish and waterproof.
- The paint:
Very bright, it gets dirty easily. Clean with a sponge and soapy water. Remove the stains with a cloth soaked in acetone-free solvent (the same used for nail polish).

Store them in the right place
In any case, you must always protect your shoes from moisture by storing them in a dry and clean place. The ideal is to put them back in the cardboard box of the purchase or in a special bag at the end of the season. To keep the shoe in its original shape and not crease, you can store it with a wooden shoe tree (quite expensive). Be careful not to choose it too big, it risks widening the shoe. You can also stuff the shoe with newspaper or silk paper to keep it in shape.

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