Fear of disease: what are the possible causes and how to fight it!

The fear of disease is a fairly common phobia, but not for this reason to be underestimated: it is capable, in fact, of profoundly influencing the daily life of those who suffer from it, causing states of anxiety, fear and strong stress. For this reason it should not be undervalued, but addressed.

As with all problems of psychological origin, there is no "one and the same cause valid for everyone: those who are afraid of illnesses to the point of becoming an obsession" must start a completely personal path to be able to get out stronger than before!

So let's try to find out more about this problem, from its scientific name to the possible causes to the ways to face it and overcome it. You can immediately see some solutions and advice in this video:

Fear of disease: the scientific name for this problem

The scientific name that is used to define the pathological fear of disease is "hypochondria". Unfortunately, this is a problem that should not be underestimated, because it is capable of triggering mechanisms of continuous worry and anxiety.

Those who suffer from hypochondria, in fact, are convinced that they may have a disease, but - at the very moment in which this fear is averted following the necessary (and often useless) medical examinations - immediately shifts the anxiety onto another possible disorder.

Of course, it is not a mental illness and it is not hereditary, although growing up with hypochondriacal parents can promote the onset of the disorder. If, however, it takes on more serious forms, the fear of disease can lead to forms of depression or somatizations that, in fact, "come true" the fear of the hypochondriac, convincing him even more that he is right and reinforcing his fears: a true and just a vicious circle!

How do you break it? First of all, start by really believe it: you can get out of it! It is enough to begin to no longer consider it as a disease, but as the symptom of a deeper psychological problem that our nervous system wants to warn us about and that perhaps we had not considered ...

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What are the possible causes of the fear of disease?

Understanding the cause of the problem is the first step in being able to work on its resolution. As we said, the fear of disease can be the signal of a need that we are unable to express otherwise. We can suggest hypotheses, but always remember that it is a very personal discourse and this kind of journey should be undertaken with a therapist who can help you understand your individual case.

Hypochondria could respond to a need for control: we are always there on the alert to look for something wrong with our body, the slightest sensation of discomfort, and then exaggerate it to the maximum and turn it into an obsessive fear. Maybe it won't depend on the fact. that we "need" to worry about something?

Maybe we do it to shift our attention away from bigger and more significant concerns that we don't want to see, or because we are subconsciously aware (we know deep down) that there is something wrong, but we are afraid to bring it to the surface. ... And so our nervous system looks for objects of discomfort in our body, when instead the target is within us, in our psyche: a part of ourselves is telling us that we must listen to ourselves in a deeper way!

If you are constantly searching for diseases in your body, full of fear and anxiety, it means that you have a strong desire to get more in touch with the real you, with your deepest and unexpressed desires. Seen in this way, the fear of disease is less fearful: it is only helping you to understand that you have to look inside yourself and shift your attention from the body to the psyche!

Stop, then, looking at your fear of disease as a problem and start seeing it as an "opportunity to take your life in hand and become happier than before!"

Another cause of the fear of disease could instead be a need for attention from others: feeling constantly ill can unconsciously make us believe that in this way we will have people next to us willing to cure us. Diseases become, in short, a sort of staging of your body to fill your need for love and / or approval Again, realizing that your fear of disease is generated by this cause can help you tremendously on a healing journey.

How to fight the fear of disease? Dos and don'ts to overcome hypochondria

First of all, let's start with what you absolutely must not do! The greatest temptation for those who are afraid of disease is to search for every little symptom on google: it will only increase your fear and belief that you are sick, stop doing it! Also avoid talking about it left and right or consulting as many doctors as possible: you will end up having a thousand anecdotes and a thousand different diagnoses that will only bring you a great deal of confusion!

Try, then, to remain calm as much as possible and, if you feel a symptom, ask yourself with the utmost objectivity: every time you thought you had a terrible disease, did you really have it in the end or was it an unfounded fear? This will help you to immediately reduce the drama and make you understand that the nature of the problem is psychological, it lies somewhere else!

So try not to close in on yourself and in your world made of fears: continue to live your life without depriving yourself of friendships, outings, interests ... Think that hypochondria is a disorder that tends to isolate you and react to this instinct . However, avoid people who trivialize it and make fun of you: the problem you are experiencing is serious and deserves all the attention and listening possible!

As you will have understood, the only solution to combat the fear of disease is to understand what this fear is telling you: try to analyze (preferably with the help of a therapist) what is not working in your life, what is not satisfying you. , you miss it, it makes you feel bad or it just doesn't allow you to experience any passion. Identify this deep lack or this pain and start from there to seek your center!

Of course it is not an easy process, it could take time and certainly strength and determination. There are those who come to make very radical changes as a result of this kind of work on themselves, but that's right: why should you give up on finding true happiness, your happiness?

Going to a good therapist will be very useful to you and will also allow you not to unload your fears and anxieties on those who are close to you and love you, channeling them in the right way, in a constructive way! You will see that you will soon be able to forget your fear of disease and find yourself and the happiness you deserve.

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