Poor Leo! DiCaprio from 1991 to today. 23-year career (without Oscar) in pictures

Although he is not the only actor to have received a high number of nominations without any victory, Leonardo DiCaprio is certainly one of the most talked about. Firstly because, let's face it, he is really good and that much agonized golden statuette deserves it. precisely, secondly because he got his first Oscar nomination when he was only 20 years old, in 1994, for his role as a supporting actor in the 1993 film. Happy birthday, Mr Grape (What "s eating Gilbert Grape). The next ones, always deserved, were: in 2005 for The Aviator, in 2007 for Blood Diamond and this year for The Wolf of Wall Street.

Unfortunately not even this, for him, was the year of the turning point, that is the one in which he finally managed to get on stage and thank the Academy, but to never forget his skill and his charisma, here is a cute summary in animated gifs of his career, from 1991 to today, to celebrate his 23 years as an actor and above all to realize how many noteworthy films are part of his filmography.

Come on Leo, sooner or later you will manage to win this beloved Oscar !!

See also

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Vengaboys, Eiffel "65, Aqua: the bands of the 90s that will make you take a dip

Alessia Marcuzzi's wedding album! Here are the romantic images of her day

Critters 3 - Want to start over - Happy Birthday, Mr Grape

The Foot Shoting Party - Ready to Die - Return from nowhere

Poets from Hell - Romeo + Juliet - Marvin's room

Titanic - The Iron Mask - Celebrity

The Beach - Don "s Plum - Try to get me

Gangs of New York - The Aviator - The Departed, Good and Evil

Blood Diamond, Blood Diamonds - The Eleventh Hour - No Truth

Revolutionary Road - Shutter Island - Inception

J. Edgar - Django Unchained - The Great Gatsby

The Wolf of Wall Street


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