Video / The trailer for the animated film of the Little Prince: a dream come true

For many it could be called a dream come true, to see the story of the movie on the big screen Little Prince.
Generations of children have dreamed, laughed and moved thanks to the adventures of the blond prince.
Now, a French production, brought the exciting story, written and illustrated by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 1943, on the big screen.
The animated film, directed by Mark Osborne (the director of Kung Fu Panda), tries to translate into cinematic language the sweet poetry that the French writer and aviator had expressed with words and beautiful drawings, conquering generations of readers.
In the American version there will be many famous participations: Jeff Bridges, Rachel McAdams, James Franco, Marion Cotillard and many others.

In Italy, the release is scheduled for January 1st 2016, but in the meantime you can enjoy the trailer of the film and be a child again for a few minutes!

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Here are some pictures from the film:

The Little Prince arrives at the cinema