Because we have to wash new clothes before wearing them

Love is blind, we know this. We see a sheath dress in the window, we fall in love with it and we cannot wait to wear it because we are aware that it is enchanting and because we want everyone to see us shine.
There is nothing wrong with being wonderful, but you need to be careful: just as you would not enter the house with dirty shoes, or you would not go to eat on the doormat, you would not wear a new dress if you knew what c "is behind! Because dirt is where we least expect it ...

Because we don't know who tried them before us

When we girls are in a competitive trance we are able to try on countless dresses per minute and, unfortunately, we are not always particularly careful. It can happen to sneeze on them, to make them crawl on the ground or it can happen that they come into contact with skin, fungi or other unpleasant microorganisms that do not help us feel good.

See also

5 fundamental steps to wash the dishes well

Original Carnival costumes: the funniest masks and clothes for adults

Because we don't know where they were before someone tried them

The clothes make shorter or longer journeys before reaching the shelves and, since it is impossible for us to know which places they frequented when they were not yet in our closet, the advice is to put them in the washing machine, so as not to take risks!

How to solve the problem

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology of New York University analyzed some new and arriving items of clothing from some American stores and on these they found bacteria of all kinds, even fecal, hiding in the seams of clothes, especially near the buttocks and in the armpits.
Fortunately, the solution is much simpler than expected and responds to a couple as old as the world: hot water and antibacterial. This is a very simple precaution but it can really help you not to put your health at risk.
If you are looking for other ideas to better manage your home and to help you and your family feel good, here are a few:

Tags:  Parenthood Love-E-Psychology Fashion