Twin birth: natural or caesarean? All you need to know

Twin birth is certainly one of the most particular and difficult situations for a woman. It foresees, as the word itself says, a birth, natural or caesarean, of two or more children. Normally the twin birth is of two children, while the cases of multiple births are rarer. At the end of a twin pregnancy, the specialist visits and the conditions of the mother are already able to establish whether a natural birth or a caesarean is on the horizon for the birth of the children. Let's see all the details.

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Natural twin birth: when can it be done?

The natural twin birth is not so widespread, also because it requires a series of particular conditions in order to take place. First of all, the babies at the time of delivery must have a head position for both (ie with the head turned towards the vagina, ready to go out) or at least one of the two babies must have this "head" position. The mother's health conditions must be good, that is, she must not have any kind of ailments and be in perfect shape. The pelvis must be large enough and the mother must cooperate with the thrusts. In the event that even one of these conditions does not occur, and an episiotomy is not enough, a caesarean section is opted for.

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How are twins born?

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In the case of natural twin birth, the first child is born as if he were alone. Then the exit of the second twin must be faced, and the differences on the modality depend on its position: if the baby is cephalic, that is, he has his head turned towards the birth canal and the vaginal exit, descends into the mother's pelvis along the pelvis , as in a normal natural birth. If, on the other hand, the baby is in the breech position, the feet are looked for and then he is let out. The administration of oxytocin, the hormone that induces contractions, is suspended to leave the child with the space of the large pelvis. At times the expulsion of the second twin is difficult or even impossible: in these cases it is necessary to resort to a caesarean. Even if you have chosen natural childbirth, you are never 100% sure that it is possible until the end. The risk that the parturient can run is of suffering a heavy post-partum hemorrhage due to distension of the uterus. The gynecologist will have to intervene with an increase in the hormone oxytocin to make the uterus contract and stop blood loss, otherwise a transfusion will be used.

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Twin cesarean birth: the cases in which it is necessary

Twin Caesarean delivery simplifies things somewhat. First, it is scheduled and does not expect mom to go into labor. If the children are both in the breech position, or if it is even a multiple birth (from 3 children upwards), a caesarean is used. It is the solution that is also used in other cases, such as a delay in the growth of the child, or in the case of placenta previa, when the placenta is in front of the fetal presentation, and can cause serious bleeding. The other cases in which a cesarean twin birth takes place are when one of the two (or more) babies weighs 25% less than the other, and in the case of monozygotes, that is, twins who share the same origin, the same ovum. in fact, in the case of monozygotes there is the risk of a fetal-fetal transfusion, ie the blood vessels feed one of the children to the detriment of the other, who grows less and runs more risks for health and at the time of delivery.

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Record twin birth: the story of an "experience out of the ordinary

Multiple births are an extraordinary event, which has become more frequent mainly due to hormonal treatments for fertility and is also thought of due to the changed conditions in nutrition or lifestyles. A record twin birth has remained in the news as a story It involves Nadia Suleman, who in 2009, after having already had 6 children, discovers she is expecting 7 twins during a normal ultrasound scan. At the time of giving birth, a team of 46 people, including doctors and nurses, assisted Nadia in the birth. Ben nine weeks before the time was up, precisely because many twin births are premature, Nadia gave birth to ... 8 twins! Yes, because the eighth baby was not visible on the ultrasound, and had remained hidden. The babies were obviously all very small, being premature and having shared a small space: they weighed from 800 grams to one and a half kilograms. In the case of Nadia, the cause of such a record pregnancy were precisely the treatments the fertility she had undergone.

Twin birth: the moving video of twins being born shaking hands

Twin birth videos are often heartwarming, like the one you can see below. Forms of attachment and affection are immediately noticed among the unborn. In this case, two newborn twins shake hands: a gesture that a "nurse wanted to immortalize, given the great emotional strength it transmitted.

How long does a twin birth last?

Twin birth lasts little longer than the birth of a single child, usually, and barring complications, only a few minutes pass between the birth of the first and that of the second child. Except in the case of contraindications, an epidural is always recommended to ensure the patient's well-being and tranquility, and above all to avoid pain. In single pregnancies, the percentage of caesareans is around 25 percent; with twins it rises to 50-60 percent , which means that 40-50 percent of twins are still born through a natural birth.

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