Weekly horoscope from 5 to 11 October 2020: love pains for Pisces ...

Aries: don't risk it!

Dear Aries, Mars in conjunction continues to give you a lot of grit and desire to do. The stars, however, ask you not to act too instinctively and to avoid the longest step of the leg ... with Jupiter and Saturn in an unfavorable position, it will be better to keep what you have rather than risk it. Lucky days of the week, with a beautiful favorable moon, will be those of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Days off: Friday and Saturday.

Taurus: some slowdowns ...

Dear Toro, Mercury's opposition this week risks creating a few more slowdowns. Things are not going exactly as you planned, but don't worry: you are protected by Venus and Jupiter, ready to give you a lot of luck in terms of feelings and long-term success in the field of work. Monday will be a super lucky day, with a beautiful moon in the sign. Nervous, however, on Sunday.

See also

Pisces ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Scorpio Ascendant Pisces: Romantics with a touch of mystery

Pisces Leo ascendant: water and fire, for a fluctuating personality

Gemini: lucky moon!

Dear Gemini, this week you can count on a beautiful lucky moon, which will shine in your sign on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Favorable Mars gives you an edge on the job front and you could get some nice surprises. Attention, however, to the area of ​​feelings: Venus in an unfavorable position could bring some more quarrel or tension in your life as a couple. Find out now if you belong to one of the signs of betrayal:

Cancer: a lot of passion!

Dear Cancer, this is going to be a very lucky week when it comes to feelings! You will be able to count on the support of Venus, ready to strengthen your couple and give you a great understanding, both outside and between the sheets. The moon in conjunction, moreover, on Friday and Saturday, will bring you a surplus of romance: it will be a truly passionate weekend! Good news is also coming in the workplace.

Leone: you will do it!

Dear Leo, you are one who never gives up and who, with his determination, always manages to achieve his goals: this week you will have to collide with a Mercury in an unfavorable position that risks bringing some more obstacles to yours. path ... but don't worry, you will do it anyway! Mars fills you with combativeness and energy, while a beautiful moon will bring you luck between Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday.

Virgo: luck in love!

Dear Virgo, with Venus in your sign you finally feel reborn: your life as a couple could not get better! With the partner, dialogue and mutual understanding return, while for single women - also thanks to a nice favorable Mercury - there will be new opportunities for meeting. Bet everything on lucky days on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. Attention, however, to the bad days of Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Libra: a bit of stress ...

Dear Libra, the commitments and the resulting stress are not few in this period: Mars in opposition makes you feel rather tired. Be patient, though: soon both Venus and Mercury will enter in conjunction with your sign, ready to reward you for many sacrifices! Intano is betting everything on the lucky moon days, those of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A little more nervousness, however, is expected between Friday and Saturday.

Scorpio: count on Mercury!

Dear Scorpio, the conjunction of Mercury brings good news and new opportunities in the professional field: you could have a lucky meeting or finally receive the answer you were waiting for. Beware of the moon in opposition on Monday, which could create some setbacks. In love you can count on a splendid Venus, ready to bring you love, complicity and passion.

Sagittarius: opposite moon ...

Dear Sagittarius, this week - unfortunately - you will have to deal with the opposition of the moon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: it will be three rather nervous days, in which tensions with the partner could be accentuated, also because of the position unfavorable to Venus. Be careful not to say things you may regret! Better, however, at the weekend, with a beautiful moon on your side on Sunday.

Capricorn: the moment you've been waiting for!

Dear Capricorn, with the exception of the planet Mars - which will bring you a little more psychophysical fatigue - the sky is all on your side: finally the good confirmations you have been waiting for will arrive, whether it is a promotion or a new opportunity to catch on the fly. Venus has also returned to smile at you and your life as a couple will be filled with passion, emotions, complicity and a great desire to build something together with your partner.

Aquarius: need for solitude ...

Dear Aquarius, despite appearances and your strong social side, you are someone who appreciates solitude and, especially in certain moments, feels a deep need for it. This week you are likely to feel this way: Mercury in an unfavorable position will not facilitate communication with others and your relationships, creating small or large misunderstandings. Pay particular attention to the nervous day on Sunday, when the moon will be in opposition.

Pisces: pains of love ...

Dear Pisces, the opposition of Venus brings problems and discussions in your life as a couple. For your sign, stability and sentimental happiness are very important, priority to be able to function in other fields, and that is why you may feel unmotivated even in the workplace ... The heaviest days of the week, with a moon that tensions will increase, they will be those of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Tags:  Old-Luxury Horoscope Old-Test - Psyche