Weekly horoscope from 19 to 25 October 2020: lucky moon for Capricorn!

Aries: hard to hold back ...

Dear Aries, this week there could be tensions at work: Jupiter in an unfavorable position - together with an unfortunate moon on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - creates disagreements and ignites discussions with bosses and colleagues. Be careful not to pour so much nervousness into the family and feelings: Mars in conjunction makes you more irascible than usual and it will be really difficult to hold you back ...

Taurus: love smiles at you!

Dear Toro, with the opposition of Mercury you do not mess around: your plans could be slowed down, or discussions with bosses and colleagues could arise. Don't worry, though - you have Jupiter on your side ready to protect you and guarantee long-term success. You will overcome any difficulty! Love smiles at you thanks to a beautiful favorable Venus, made even more romantic and passionate by the moon on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

See also

Capricorn ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Moon in Scorpio: what are its characteristics according to astrology

Leo ascendant Capricorn: the characteristics of this passionate and det sign

Gemini: Venus unfavorable ...

Dear Gemini, your week begins with two rather heavy days, in which the moon will be in opposition to your sign, Monday and Tuesday. You may feel a little moody or particularly nervous. Above all, it will be the area of ​​feelings that will give you a hard time: Venus in an unfavorable position increases the tensions between you and your partner and leads to questioning even the most consolidated relationship.

Cancer: opposite moon ...

Dear Cancer, this week you will have to endure the opposition of the moon on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, when you may feel a little down. Furthermore, unfavorable Mars will amplify the sense of fatigue and stress. Fortunately, you will have both the planet Venus and the planet Mercury on your side, ready to put people by your side who can give you all the support and affection you deserve. When you can, treat yourself to a little relaxation and a refreshing nap!

Leo: Mars takes care of it!

Dear Leo, Mercury in an unfavorable position does not facilitate communication with others and creates some more problems at work. The opportunity you are waiting for may take a long time to present itself ... Also beware of the moon in opposition on Saturday and Sunday, which will be quite tense. Mars in a favorable position will help you find all the energy you need to not give up and continue to fight for your goals.

Virgo: good news!

Dear Virgo, in this period love smiles at you thanks to the splendid conjunction of Venus: if you have met someone recently, it could immediately become a serious story. Long-term couples, on the other hand, will feel stronger and more complicit than ever. Good news is also coming in the field of work, favored by the excellent position of Mercury and that of Jupiter: some nice surprises could soon arrive!

Libra: moments of stress ...

Dear Libra, your week begins with two lucky moon days, when some good news may come. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, on the other hand, will be quite tense days, in which you risk feeling a little more tired. Mars in opposition makes you feel under pressure and unfortunately there will be moments of stress. Luckily you can count on a beautiful romantic moon on Saturday and Sunday, ready to warm your heart!

Scorpio: great!

Dear Scorpio, with Mercury in conjunction you will become the queen of public relations, the most envied and the most requested! Your ability to seduce - whether it's a potential partner or an entire audience of listeners - will be stronger than ever, especially on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, when you also have the moon on your side. Finally, favorable Venus helps you to settle an outstanding issue in the sentimental field.

Sagittarius: discussions with partners ...

Dear Sagittarius, your week could not start better than this: on Monday and Tuesday a splendid moon in conjunction will be ready to give you an unexpected stroke of luck. The weekend will also be illuminated by a beautiful moon, which will make you feel fitter than usual. Unfortunately, however, you will find yourself having to deal with a Venus in an unfavorable position, which will bring some more discussion into your life as a couple.

Capricorn: moon in conjunction!

Dear Capricorn, this week a beautiful lucky moon will shine in conjunction in your sign on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, which will be full of good news, especially in the area of ​​work. Mercury and Jupiter promise new opportunities and important awards: finally, after a lot of work, you can enjoy your results! Mars in Aries, on the other hand, will continue to make you feel a little more tired ...

Aquarius: towards a new beginning ...

Dear Aquarius, this week the moon will be in conjunction in your sign on Saturday and Sunday, giving you new opportunities, new encounters or a new beginning. This is not the best time to make hasty decisions in the field of work: unfavorable Mercury could put a spoke in the wheel. So avoid acting too instinctively and have confidence: 2021 will be a truly extraordinary year for your sign!

Pisces: heart problems ...

Dear Pisces, love continues to give you torment: Venus in opposition accentuates tensions with your partner, which could lead to real quarrels, especially in the first part of the week, when you will also have the moon in an unfavorable position. At work, however, there will be no lack of results: favorable Mercury is ready to give you good opportunities, while Jupiter ensures long-term success.

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