Celiac disease: the first step is information

The main purpose of the initiative is to inform the public about the differences between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity to avoid do-it-yourself diagnoses and communicate the importance of medical support in case of repeated symptoms.

Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are increasingly widespread, for this reason Dr. Schär Institut, the reference point for the medical world on gluten disorders, makes available every day until May 25, from 9:30 to 18, the toll-free number 800.198.941 for a free telephone interview with gastroenterologists and nutritionists to explore these two continuously increasing themes. In fact, every year, in Italy alone, about 5,000 new cases of celiac disease and 2,800 newborns suffering from this eating disorder are registered.

For more information, you can visit the official website: www.glutensensitive.net

See also

Lasagna with salmon and spinach: a delicate and alternative first course!

Basil: varieties, care and use

The pizza dough

See also:

    • Desserts for celiacs: gluten-free gluten-free recipes
    • I am celiac, not sick!

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