Test: which home clothing is perfect for you?

For many Italians, "stay at home" was and is a choice made with determination and seriousness. Obviously the whole daily routine we were used to has undergone no small change. This change in lifestyle has generated a change in style in general, since for many it would be useless to dress up just to stay at home ... and yet .. even so you can choose different options.
Before taking the test, did you know that you can make ice cream at home? See how:

Test: which home clothing is perfect for you?

As we said then, style at home not for everyone means always being in pajamas or overalls, in general there are those who need to "set a tone" to feel good, even at home. So you want to find out which style belongs to you more when you are at home? Take our test and find out:

See also

Test: the perfect essential oil for you according to your personality!

Test: what does your best friend represent to you?

Test: who is secretly in love with you?

Which board game is right for you and your way of being? Take the test and find out!

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