Test: which of the Amici 2020 finalists are you?

Despite the isolation we are experiencing in this historical moment, Maria de Filippi, with a staff of professionals, was able to enter our homes and hearts with the evening of one of her "musts", Amici.
Facing challenges to the last voice and the last step, the four finalists clashed in the last episode, making Gaia Gozzi the winner of this latest edition. Before discovering which of the four finalists best matches you, discover 8 essential things for an evening in the company of TV:

Test: which of the Amici 2020 finalists are you?

So in the final at Amici we saw two dancers and two singers: Nicolai, Javier, Gaia and Giulia. With very different characters, four talents who worked hard to the end. Do you want to discover your way of being who you resemble the most? Take our test and find out now:

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