Thrush in the newborn: symptoms, treatment and prevention of oral candida

Thrush in the newborn is a form of mycosis or mouth infection, also known as oral candidiasis. Candidiasis is an "infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans that can affect different parts of the body, both in adults and children: candida, in fact, is part of the flora present in the oral cavity which, when the immune defenses are low , proliferates in the mouth, including that of the newborn in which the immune system is still immature.

The infection that in these cases is caused by candida is known by the name of "oral candidiasis" which, in the most characteristic form in the newborn is called "thrush". The symptoms with which thrush occurs are whitish and punctiform plaques on the back of the tongue (similar to curdled milk) or, less frequently, in the palate. The infection can cause burning and make breastfeeding difficult. Thrush in newborns leads to crying fits.

If in the adult oral candidiasis may be more difficult to treat, in the newborn it tends to resolve spontaneously and should not worry too much, except in rare cases. Let's find out together then what are the causes of thrush in the newborn, the symptoms, the methods to treat the infection and advice to prevent it from coming back. Meanwhile, since the Candida albicans fungus does not leave even adults alone, here is a video on the best foods to prevent candidiasis in your case too:

What are the causes of thrush in the newborn?

Thrush in newborns is mainly due, as we have anticipated, to an immature immune system, which has yet to fully develop: this condition makes children more prone to contracting infections of this kind.

However, there are contingent causes that can make your immune system even less efficient, allowing candida to proliferate in the oral cavity. This happens, for example, if the child suffers from malnutrition, if he is undergoing antibiotic treatment for other diseases, if he has other ongoing infections (such as flu or cold), if he suffers from anemia or diseases of the immune system.

Don't worry too much, though - thrush can come to healthy, healthy babies too, and will disappear without a mark! Keep in mind that in most cases the child contracts the infection by contagion from the mother herself or from the surrounding environment. It is not uncommon that candidiasis can be transmitted to the unborn child during childbirth (Candida albicans often resides in the vagina of the woman, who can suffer from candidiasis without even realizing it!) Or during breastfeeding (the fungus can also survive on the skin and nipples without any obvious symptoms).

Also pay attention to dirty objects that the child can bring to the mouth, first of all the pacifier or the nipple of the bottle, which can be the vehicle of the infection (which is why it is always good to sterilize them before each use ...). finally, it can also happen from child to child, in hospitals or nurseries where they find themselves together in very close spaces.

See also

Fifth disease: symptoms, treatment and prevention of infectious erythema in children

Candida in pregnancy: symptoms, therapy and natural remedies for vaginal infection

SIDS: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Cot Death Syndrome

With what symptoms does it manifest itself?

The most obvious symptom of thrush in infants is the appearance of a white, milky patina on the tongue and mucous membranes. If the patina is removed, it can reveal intense redness and, in some cases, tears that bleed.

Newborns can experience crying fits, restlessness and, above all, lack of appetite, due to the irritation of the oral cavity, which often causes pain and burning, as well as difficulty in swallowing. To be able to diagnose thrush exactly it will be good to immediately resort to your pediatrician who, in the course of a simple medical examination, will be able to identify candidiasis with certainty. In the event that doubts persist, the pediatrician will proceed with a culture, followed by laboratory examination to identify the fungus causing the infection.

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What to do to cure thrush in newborns?

Oral candidiasis, if contracted in a mild form, can also disappear by itself in a couple of weeks without the need for any treatment, but it is always good to consult your pediatrician about it and not underestimate the problem that, in the most serious cases, it can lead also to systemic infections with various complications.

To treat thrush in infants, special mouthwashes or rinses with alkaline solutions will suffice. It will also be necessary to apply them to the mother's breast (on the nipple and areola). If necessary, moreover, you will have to resort to antifungals, administered by the pediatrician according to the severity of the infection. The recommended drug is generally miconazole in the form of an oral gel for newborns.

If you want to start treating thrush with natural remedies before the pediatric visit, you can try using sterile gauze soaked in water and bicarbonate: wrap the gauze on your finger and pass it inside your child's mouth, which will be safe. benefit.

What to do to prevent it from showing up?

To prevent the appearance of thrush in newborns, it is very important to follow the basic rules of hygiene and remember to always sterilize pacifiers and teats and wash your hands well after changing the diaper.

Furthermore, be careful to avoid the exchange of pacifiers between newborns (even if brothers), to take care of the hygiene and health of the nipple and your possible vaginal candidiasis before giving birth to avoid passing it to the baby when it is given birth.

For more information on the subject, you can consult the website of the Bambino Gesù Hospital.

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