40 years away, they finally find each other and ... continue to love each other

Their story is worthy of a romantic comedy.
Beginning of the 60s: Carole is 16, Barry 20. They love each other right away and when they can't meet they embark on a close correspondence, entrusting their feelings to paper. True soul mates who will get married as soon as Barry manages to earn enough money working as a decorator. But fate has a trick in store and, one day, his mother intercepts their burning letters Prevents the two from seeing each other and the young people obey.

Never forgetting, the two decide to start a family each on their own.
Barry's wife loses her life in a tragic accident, Carole reads everything in the newspapers but fears it is not the best time to step forward until ... she too is forced to give the last farewell to her husband, her "rock" .
Barry and Carole meet at an alumni dinner in 2003 and, despite the 40 years apart, the chemistry between the two is undeniable.

When I saw Barry the past years have simply disappeared. There was "a real alchemy between us and although 40 years have passed, it seems we are no more than a couple of weeks apart"
See also

The 15 saddest songs of the last 30 years

Couple "s 53-YEAR engagement after being forced apart by their own parents https://t.co/VddlvLY1Hc pic.twitter.com/STBzKFiKfX

- Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) April 3, 2016

They immediately resumed the habit of writing to each other and then a coffee turned into lunch, lunch into a dinner and, very soon, they became inseparable. Today they live together and without regrets.

I am really happy to have found it again. I think our life, in a sense, is already written. Sometimes you take the wrong path but, in the end, you always find a way to get to your destination "

Officially they no longer talked about marriage but, unofficially, they promised to love each other for life.

The most beautiful phrases about love:

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