Pregnancy and urban legends: here are the most bizarre and imaginative popular beliefs about pregnant women

Urban legends about pregnancy have been for millennia one of the most bizarre and amusing topics of scientific "literature" precisely because they draw from that magma of popular beliefs that have been handed down over the years, often forming really funny and imaginative versions on the subject. They don't just answer questions about what to do and what not to do in pregnancy, but they push the boundaries of the imagination and the plausible. To have some fun, we have decided to collect below 10 of the most famous popular beliefs about pregnant women. Take a look and, in addition to smiling a little, you will be amazed to see how some of them do not differ much from reality. ..

1. If you have a craving, satisfy it or the baby will be born with spots

The very famous popular belief has it that the most immoderate food desires of pregnant women must be absolutely satisfied, on pain of the appearance of spots on the baby's skin, of the color of the food that has been renounced (brown for having suppressed the desire for coffee, red for the urgent desire for strawberries or cherries, white for milk ...). The answer is: no, it doesn't. This is perhaps a legend invented by the greediest women who seek alibis for their legitimate and very understandable desire to overdo themselves while pregnant.But remember that feeding during pregnancy is very important, so it is essential to pay attention to both quality and quantity in order to have the most peaceful gestation possible.

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2. If you keep throwing up so much, it means your baby will have a lot of hair!

By reading this sentence alone, we are sure that your smile has widened out of all proportion. It is evident that this is one of the funniest and most bizarre legends about pregnant and that there is no type of correlation between the two facts. The real reason for a strong stomach acid in pregnancy is due to hormonal changes to which the body is subject in this period or to the increase in volume of the uterus, which as it grows, presses on the stomach. many remedies - which will not affect your children's hair in the least: one, natural and effective, you can find it explained in this video!

3. If the belly is high and round it will be a girl, and if it is pointy, a boy!

The legend says that if the future mother has a pointy belly, it is almost certain that she is expecting a boy, and that on the contrary, if she is tall and round, it means that a girl is on the way. Yet this is not the case, such cases can occur, but also exactly the opposite combinations. In short, certainly do not trust the shape of your belly to prepare bedrooms and layette, better to rely on the good old gynecologist.

4. The full moon near birth can facilitate labor

It is said that the full moon near the end of pregnancy can facilitate labor. In fact, in this case, it is not a pure popular fantasy without any foundation, of course, we are talking about unscientific arguments, but it is proven that in the presence of a flood there is usually an increase in births.

5. The pill makes women infertile in the long run

Nothing more false. The use of the contraceptive pill does not in any way reduce the possibility of getting pregnant. However, experts recommend that you stop taking it at least three months before conception. So if you are planning to have a baby and take the pill regularly, let some time pass before you devote yourself to the "research" carefully.

6. If the woman has "orgasm, there is a greater likelihood of getting pregnant."

False! To get pregnant, a woman does not necessarily have to reach orgasm. Of course, that would be better, but simply for her pure physical pleasure!

7. Breastfeeding women cannot become pregnant

This popular belief is actually not that bizarre but it hides a grain of truth: women who are breastfeeding have a lower chance of getting pregnant, but be warned, because pregnancy can always happen anyway.

8. The horizontal position after sex would facilitate pregnancy

Maintaining a horizontal position after having sex is said to help pregnancy because this would keep sperm in the vagina longer. Also in this case, it is not pure science fiction, but beware, this does not mean that if after the report you get up immediately, you cannot still hope for an imminent sweet expectation.

9. Sweet potatoes make the belly fertile

Here instead, again, in front of one of the most bizarre and absurd legends on the subject. In addition to not being absolutely true, this indication, or better culinary advice, is also unhealthy: an abuse of potatoes and carbohydrates in general does not help to maintain the ideal weight necessary for a peaceful pregnancy. A healthy diet during pregnancy is essential for both your health and that of your baby.

10. Using a laptop on your lap is harmful to male fertility

Also in this case, one should not look too distrustfully at the issue: the increase in scrotal temperature due to a computer held on the legs would still represent a negative aspect for men who are looking for a child with their respective partners. In fact, the optimal testicular temperature to favor conception should be around 2-4 degrees Celsius colder than body temperature, so we are certainly not facing a completely bizarre popular belief.

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