Laura Antonelli, sexy and unfortunate diva, is dead

Laura Antonelli, the "erotic symbol actress of the 70s", an unfortunate diva who had long ago decided to disappear from the scene, is dead. She died alone in the house, perhaps of a heart attack, and was found by her maid in her house in Ladispoli, where she will be buried. He would have turned 74 in November.

Born in Pula, Istria, she was a physical education teacher before debuting with Carosello and some photo novels. The film that blew it up, as we all know, was instead Malice, by Salvatore Samperi, from 1973. The waitress with the skimpy dressing gown, showing her stockings from the top of a ladder, has become the icon who made both the fortune and the misfortune of the actress. She was no longer able to free herself. from that image, despite the collaborations with directors such as Luchino Visconti and Ettore Scola.

Laura Antonelli, a sex symbol with stormy relationships with men, starred in films such as Sessomatto, The male blackbird, Divine creature, And The spouses of the second year, on the set of which he met one of the loves of his life, the actor Jean Paul Belmondo.

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In 1991, Laura Antonelli was arrested for drug possession, and since then the unfortunate events do not seem to have abandoned the actress. After the "acquittal from the charge of drug dealing and detention, the actress tried to recover, agreeing to participate in the film." Malizia 2000, which, however, was a fiasco.To participate in the film, the actress had had collagen injections, which due to an allergic reaction had disfigured her features, which were shown in all the newspapers of that period.

After the fiasco of Malizia 2000, disappointed Antonelli decides to retire from the stage forever, and closes relations with the world of cinema, remaining only friends with a few colleagues, including Lino Banfi, who had reported the actress's state of economic difficulty. He does not agree to meet even the singer Simone Cristicchi, who had dedicated the song to her Laura: "But my heart beats fast / if I think back to beauty / that stopped the clocks / froze every second / that before your grace / the whole world bowed (...) Your curves so sweet / fed to people / your body to sell / to the highest bidder / surrounded by ghosts / and miserable lice / you were film flesh / to chew with your eyes "

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