Barack Obama: women in power for a better world!

"If women were to lead all the countries of the world, there would be a general improvement in lifestyle and results". I already know what you are thinking. The umpteenth woman who tries in vain to make her voice heard and who will, once again, be unfairly ignored. But no, it wasn't a woman who uttered this speech. These are words that came from nothing less than the mouth of Barack Obama, President of the United States of America for two consecutive terms from 2009 to 2017 and Nobel Peace Prize winner. Now also a proud champion of the feminist movement.

"Men step aside and leave more room for women, unquestionably better beings"

During the Expo Convention Hall, a conference held in Singapore to discuss leadership in the world, the 44th president of the United States did not hide the deep esteem he has for women, considered by him to be "indisputably better" than men. During his presidential term, the man stopped many times to think about what an increase in women in government could mean and the conclusion he reached is the following: a significant improvement in terms of quality of life.

Obama has realized, in fact, that most of the problems affecting the world are often caused by elderly men anchored for too long in positions of power, unable to consider the hypothesis of questioning themselves and, eventually, withdrawing. About this, Barack has very clear ideas: leadership is not and absolutely must not be the monopoly of men. The time has come for them to step aside to leave more space for their colleagues, bearing in mind that positions of prestige , whether it is politics or any other professional and social sphere, they are synonymous with hard work, certainly not a tool with which to inflate one's self-esteem.

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The former president, who has always been on the side of minorities, defines himself as a proud feminist and invites men from all over the world to take part in the battle for gender equality, which must not be the sole responsibility of women.

It is not the first time that Obama has made himself a spokesman for the fight against gender discrimination, already in 2016 an editorial was published in which the man explains that the most important people in his life were all women. His grandmother, who took care of him and worked hard to make sure he didn't miss anything. His mother, who raised him alone and dedicated her career to empowering women in developing countries. His wife Michelle, the one who revolutionized the historically static and passive figure of the First Lady and was able to balance work and family, addressing all the doubts and worries that weigh on career mothers. From a couple like theirs, founded on mutual esteem and respect (yes, because love alone is not enough), there could only be two daughters that he himself proudly defines as young intelligent, nice, kind and, above all, young women. wonderful.

It is thanks to them that Dad Barack has gained new awareness of the daily challenges faced by women against stereotypes and prejudices, burdens from which the time has come to free every human being. This is what we are talking about when it comes to feminism in the 21st century according to Obama: to see the principles of equality and freedom of every single individual realized, regardless of their sex.

P.S. Michelle Obama is the new President of the United States. This we hope for the new year!

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