5 Reasons You May Have Brown Leaks After Intercourse

Brown discharge is a particular type of vaginal discharge that can be caused by very different factors. They can appear at different times in life and indicate the presence of a health problem of a different entity.

Sometimes it happens to have this kind of discharge, also called "spotting" after sexual intercourse. In this specific case there could be different reasons to cause them, of different severity. Remember, do not panic: always avoid doing it yourself and contact your trusted gynecologist to ascertain the specific cause and find the most suitable therapy for you.

In most cases it will be a phenomenon that there is no need to worry about, but at the same time it is important not to underestimate it, especially if repeated. Let's find out together what are 5 reasons why you may have brown losses after intercourse But first, do not forget that sex is above all pleasure ... here are some positions suitable for reaching the female orgasm more easily:

1. When vaginal dryness causes brown discharge after intercourse

One of the most common causes of brown discharge after intercourse is simple vaginal dryness. When the vagina is not well lubricated, painful rubbing can occur during penetration leading to dark discharge.

Dryness is caused by the decrease in estrogen produced by our body and can be due to different factors, from menopause to medical treatments, from severe stress to immune disorders. Nothing serious, but it is always better to consult your gynecologist.

Once you are sure there are no problems, start using a lubricant during intercourse.
Look at the options on Amazon.

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2. Brown leaks after intercourse? It could be a sore neck of the uterus

If you notice that you have brown discharge after sexual intercourse, it could be due to the presence, inside the vagina, of a small fold which, when pressed during penetration, ends up bleeding.

This pleat at the neck of the uterus is called ectopia and is generally of the congenital type. In addition to causing spotting phenomena, it can also be at the origin of an abnormal production of vaginal mucus or blood loss during intercourse. .

3. Ovarian cysts and brown discharge after intercourse

Quite frequently, the phenomenon of brown discharge after intercourse is due to the presence of ovarian cysts. These cysts develop mainly during the period of female fertility: they are small fluid-filled sacs that can develop on the surface or inside of an ovary.

If you suspect that your brown discharge may be related to the presence of ovarian cysts, it is best to go all the way and investigate with a "pelvic ultrasound. Again it is recommended to consult your gynecologist.

4. Brown discharge after intercourse due to uterus cancer

There is no need to panic immediately if you have brown discharge after intercourse, but it is still advisable to delve into the subject to avoid the possibility that it is uterus cancer.

In fact, dark bleeding could in some cases be due to pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions, especially if it appears repeatedly in the period of menopause. Always remember the importance of prevention: carrying out the pap smear regularly will help you prevent this kind of pathology and act before it is too late.

5. Menopause and brown discharge after intercourse

Brown discharge after intercourse is quite frequent during menopause, and this is because the phenomenon of vulvo-vaginal atrophy occurs, which causes the mucous membranes to dry out.

Sexual intercourse in menopause could therefore cause the capillaries inside the vagina to break, resulting in leakage of blood and vaginal secretions. Ask your gynecologist for a consultation immediately and get rid of this thought: sex must be just something beautiful and liberating, to be experienced, without bad thoughts ... and here are some spicy and fun ideas to enjoy it to the fullest:

Tags:  Star Lifestyle Women-Of-Today