"The agency asked me to stop eating", the crazy story of a Polish model

More and more women leave the catwalk because they are tired of the continuous deprivation, tired of that grueling behind the scenes necessary to be able to parade illuminated by the limelight. Thinness is a must and many of them accept to eat less and less in order to be wrapped in precious clothes that cost mind-boggling figures.
Zuzanna Buchwald has worked for Gucci, Prada and Versace and admits that the fashion world has ruined her adolescence.

© Screenshot Zuzanna Buchwald tells of her ordeal

Zero size mandatory

Zuzanna has decided to confide in the Daily Dot and decides not to mince words: "Having a size zero is the key to success. For most women it is really difficult to keep the same over the years: if your weight has increased you are forced to weigh yourself and lose the excess pounds.or".
The woman faced many challenges. She moved to America and, due to the constant pressure, he began to have eating disorders which had serious repercussions on his teeth.

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Zuzanna, a woman in evolution

Today Zuzanna is 28 years old and, even though she no longer suffers from anorexia and bulimia, her relationship with food is forever compromised: this is why she crosses her fingers so that the world of fashion can open its eyes and realize that the situation is really unbearable. .
"Whoever wants to look a little beautiful has to suffer" but there is a limit to everything.

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