When to sow the lawn: March, April, May and even after!

By reading this article you will find out when is the right time to give your home a green and well-kept lawn: even if the space is short, do not despair! With a few simple tricks you will be able to do it even alone. Walking on a green lawn, lying down and reading a good book on the lawn are just some of the most pleasant things that can happen to you. Watch the video and discover all the most pleasant things to do absolutely!

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When to sow the lawn: from climate to temperature to care

The climate in Italy differs somewhat in the various regions. In the South, sowing can also be started in February or at the latest in the first weeks of March; not so in the Center and the North, where only in April, rarely in March, are soil temperatures suitable for sowing. In the period between March and April the climate becomes more stable, the temperature rises. The lawn is usually sown in spring and autumn. To safely sow lawns, the soil temperature must be at least 10 degrees for most of the day. If a ground remains cold all night, it will remain so until mid-morning; therefore it will not be suitable for a happy germination. The green carpet will have sparse grass, grown with difficulty. In fact, if the climate is not permanently mild, a few bad nights of frost could damage the soil, partly germination and even your dream destination: a perfect turf. So a lot depends on the climate of your region. If you live in the North, the best time to sow is in the middle of spring, as winters are cold and summers are hot, so let the grass grow before the summer months, avoiding the aftershocks of cold at the end of March. south, sow in autumn, so the grass will not suffer the strong heat of the summer months and will root before winter. Measure the temperature of the soil, to understand if it is a right time for sowing with a soil thermometer. The temperature goes taken early in the morning or early afternoon.

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When to sow the lawn: why is it possible in May and June? and then?

It can also be sown at a different time, late spring, so in May or June, but you have to keep in mind that it is not exactly the ideal period. You may encounter some difficulties. When you postpone sowing for some reason, carefully weed the lawn area, to ward off an invasion of plants and insect pests and focus on fast growing seeds. Widely used. Macroterme, weed or zoysia, are widespread especially in the South, requiring warm temperatures of 15/18 degrees. When you are ready for sowing, it eliminates any unevenness from the ground and residues of weeds, which could hinder the shoots. with the hoe you make the soil soft and crumbly like a nice cake. It can be sown by hand or with a seeder. Obviously it depends on the size of the area to be sown. As regards the quantity of seeds per 25 m2, about 1 quintal is needed. After planting, water the entire lawn area and keep it moist until the grass grows, about twenty days in all. Autumn rains help the lawn to sprout. When the soil is argil loso, add some gravel, so that the roots develop deeply, despite the density of the layers. In this way the lawn will be less fragile in the dry months and more resistant to the harshness of the coldest winters.

When to sow the lawn and how: the right time to sprout the seeds from March to September

September and October, once the torrid heat of the summer period is over, are very suitable months for sowing lawns, perhaps a better time than spring for some reasons; for example, the ground remains warm after the passage of summer. Furthermore, in autumn there are usually no weeds or fungal pathologies, therefore, your maintenance is a bit simplified, also it must always be constant. hot or too cold and without too many exogenous problems. Sowing in autumn, you can make the first cut before winter begins. In the South it can also be sown in October, often even in the first weeks of November, it also depends on the quality of the seeds plants, like fescue arundinacea, not fast-growing. On the other hand, in the North and Center-North the cold arrives earlier and slow-growing plants would have problems sprouting. When you are about to proceed with sowing, first pay attention to the last details so as not to throw all your effort and commitment to the wind, even before deciding which seeds to use you have to think about it.

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When sowing the lawn is not enough: maintenance and care

It is not enough to sow with excellent seeds to have a beautiful lawn: it must be maintained in every season. Mowing of the lawn and its fertilization of the lawn in spring will be done with controlled cessation fertilizers mostly nitrogen and treatments to prevent fungal attacks. When summer arrives, the lawn suffers from the stress of the strong heat and it is necessary to irrigate it at dawn and not in the sunniest hours, fertilize it with a good fertilizer with a high potassium content, practice a higher cut. In autumn it is good to take care of the sparse or damaged areas and remove weeds, make a lower cut, use nitrogen-based fertilizers, biostimulants and products against fungi and parasites. The lawn should also be cut in winter, albeit less frequently, because if it grows too much it tends to weaken, use the fertilizers used in the summer, empty the irrigation systems, so that the water freezing does not damage them. Lawn maintenance does not only involve fertilizing and cutting the grass, but a good cleaning at least once a year , better in spring. Eliminate leaves and waste residues from the soil, check for weeds, resow if there are sparse or shaved areas, to thicken the areas damaged by the weather And. Irrigation is another very important aspect of lawn maintenance. Especially in the summer, sprinklers bring the right amount of water to the lawn. If the grass cover is perfect, without unevenness or flaking, there will be no weeds. The grass grown must be cut regularly at heights suitable for the period and type of lawn. The tools and especially the condition of the lawn mowers must be checked before damaging the turf of the lawn.

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How to choose seeds based on temperature

It is also very important to take into account sun exposure and geographical position, if you want to have a perfect lawn. Choose the right seeds: they must always be fresh and guaranteed to satisfy your aesthetic sense you can also choose grass of various colors and sizes. The turf must be suitable for withstanding foot traffic.Among the seeds the most resistant to atmospheric changes is the poa pratensis; instead, Lolium and Festuca need a mild climate. How to choose the right seeds for your lawn? The seeds that are suitable for any type of soil are those for universal lawn; if the soil you have available for sowing is very delicate, you can choose specific mixed seeds. Even if the location is not very sunny, the shaded lawn grows well; suitable to be walked on after two years from its development is the ornamental one, which requires timely maintenance. Choose to sow strong and resistant grass, easy to care for, if you want to place nice garden furniture on your lawn. The grass is recommended for a less nourished soil less nourished; fescue is suitable for hot ones; the English lawn, composed largely of ryegrass, is not unsuitable for very hot areas in summer. A fresh lawn, bright green and full of delicious scents, bring poetry to your garden in March!

When to sow the lawn: ask a professional gardener for advice

If you are a beginner and it is the first time you are sowing a lawn, ask for the advice of a professional gardener, for further advice on how and when to sow the lawn. He will advise you on the most suitable tools for working the soil and on how to make your beautiful lawn healthier and thicker. We hope you have added some more information on how and when to sow your lawn to your knowledge base. Now, after our advice, all you have to do is plan how to beautify your garden and turn it into an oasis of greenery.

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