Test: how green are you? Find out how eco-sustainable you are!

Since the consequences of man's choices have had an evident impact on the world in which he lives, no one is excluded from the responsibility of their choices and we have all been called to make choices that are more respectful of the environment in which we live. But how can you lead a greener life? Watch this video which can give you a simple example of collaboration between us and nature:

Test: how green are you? Find out how eco-sustainable you are

How green are your daily habits? Are you attentive enough to your choices, thus supporting both your life and the environment in an ecological way? Can you lead an eco-sustainable life with small precautions? If you want to find out where you are, take our test:

See also

Test: how anxious are you?

Test: are you more a girl or more a woman?

Test: how good are you at kissing?

On the table of your perfect breakfast, what must never be missing? Take the test and find out!

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