Contraceptive pill: how it works

A hormonal contraceptive
Appeared in 1956, the pill is a contraceptive to be taken orally, in the form of a tablet.
The principle: made up of female hormones (estrogen and / or progesterone), the pill blocks ovulation, which means that, due to the effect of the pill, you are not fertile.
The pill is sold by prescription only. When used correctly, it is 99.5% reliable.

Method of recruitment
The first pill should be taken on the day the menstrual flow begins. One tablet should be taken each day, for 21 days. You then stop taking the pill for seven days. About three days after taking the last pill your menstrual flow will begin. After seven days without taking the pill, a new pack should be started, for 21 days, and so on. " Street.
Try to always take the pill at the same time.

The different types of pills
There are different types of pills, with a specific hormonal composition and a variable dosage.
- The combined pill: As the name implies, this pill contains two types of hormones. The estrogen / progesterone dosage varies according to the pill (monophasic, biphasic, triphasic ...). The pills that have better tolerability are those that contain less estrogen, as these hormones cause numerous side effects.
- The progestin pill (or minipill): it consists of only synthetic progestin, without estrogen. It is prescribed for women who cannot take estrogen.

See also

Stopping the Pill: What Are the Side Effects?

How to take birth control pills correctly

I forgot the pill: how to behave according to the week

If you forget to take the pill
- The forgotten is less than 12 hours (compared to the usual time of intake): immediately take the pill you forgot to take, and take the next pill at the usual time.
- If more than 12 hours have passed (ie more than 36 hours since the last pill) the contraceptive protection during that cycle may be reduced. In this case, continue to take the pills from that pack (including the one you did not take) and use an additional method of contraception, even during the 7 day break If menstrual flow does not occur, consult your doctor.
Warning: forgetting of a maximum of 2 hours is tolerated for the minipill.
- Vomiting and diarrhea can alter the effectiveness of the pill. In this case it is advisable to take another pill.

The secondary effects
Weight gain, loss, breast tenderness, water retention, decreased libido… There can be numerous side effects when the dosage is not suitable. It is always best to try other pills until you find the one that suits you.

Taking the pill is strongly discouraged in some cases: hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes… Furthermore, in women who smoke (especially over 35 years of age) the cigarette-pill combination increases the risk of cardiovascular accident.

The news
- The no-menstrual flow pill: sold in the United States since 2003, the pill Seasonale you only get menstrual bleeding 4 times a year. The American pharmaceutical company Wyeth launched in 2007 Lybrel, a pill that completely eliminates menstruation.
Much criticized, these pills are considered "against nature" by several specialists.
- The pill for him: Scholars are looking for a method to block sperm production without upsetting erection and libido. But up to now no acceptable solution has been found, without side effects.

NB: The pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you don't know your partner well, use a condom too.

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