Women in communication: interview with Ilaria Zampori of Quantcast Italia

Coming of age is certainly an important milestone, both for a person and for a brand and, in this very particular case, for ours.
As the female turns 18, we have decided to start a Women Empowerment project that focuses on women who work in the field of communication.
Ilaria Zampori, General Manager for Quantcast Italy, answered 5 significant questions for us, explaining the importance of pursuing and achieving one's dreams, overcoming gender discrimination.

1. What is "being a woman" like in the world of work?

If I had to rely only on my professional experience I could answer that being a woman in the world of work is like being a man. Fortunately, in fact, I have never had to deal with gender problems or limitations, but I have always been evaluated and judged for my professional skills and my skills. A positive experience dictated, almost certainly, by the fact of working in the digital sector: an innovative, dynamic and international environment that gives the opportunity to grow regardless of one's gender. The internationality of the environment and of my role put me in contact with more advanced realities in terms of gender equality, including, for example, the Anglo-Saxon one, in which there is certainly a more advanced equality than that present in other markets. However, this does not mean that the situation of the world of work in general is not always so open for women; for this reason there is still a great deal to do.

See also

Women in communication: interview with Hotwire's Beatrice Agostinacchio

Women in communication: interview with Eleonora Rocca founder of Digital Innovatio

Women in Communication: interview with Federica Beneventi from Veepee (vente-privee

2. What was "women empowerment" for you at 18?

At 18, I didn't even know what it was. I was so determined, enthusiastic, motivated and willing to achieve my goals and fulfill my dreams, that I would not stop in front of anyone or anything. I never for a moment thought that being a woman could be a limiting or negative factor for my professional or personal career. Women empowerment was not something I thought I had to achieve, a conquest, since it was already part of my being.

3. Three words you associate today with "women empowerment"

Awareness, determination and freedom of choice. Women need to be aware of their worth, their abilities and the role they can play in today's society. They must be determined, strong and confident in achieving their dreams and goals, as well as growing in the professional world. But above all they must have the same opportunities and possibilities as men at work level to be able to become whoever they wish.

4. What would you recommend to the 18-year-old you?

Always be determined to reach your goals, but don't forget some carefree and fun, because those years will never come back!

5. How much need is there to talk about women empowerment today and what should be done?

I think it is essential to talk about it so that all women understand that in life they can do whatever they want without limits or barriers. They must not think that their dreams are unattainable and feel prisoners of certain roles dictated solely and exclusively by gender stereotypes. Hence the need to inform and educate about gender equality. Fortunately, in Italy there are several associations that deal with this issue in a professional and competent way: for example, Valore D comes to mind, an association with which I had the pleasure of collaborating, whose ultimate goal is to promote professional growth. of women in our system. Among the various projects of the Association I would like to mention one in particular, designed and created for the new generations: Inspiring Girls. The program brings to schools the testimony of successful women who tell about their professional careers, highlighting both successes and difficulties. Positive models that allow girls to understand that they are faced with an open labor market and that they must not stop in front of gender stereotypes, but always aim to realize their dreams that, too often, growing up, are abandoned or forgotten.

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