Managing a long-distance relationship

We offer you what we believe are the essential precautions not to suffer too much from being far away and be able to be happily as a couple even if you are thousands of kilometers away.


To better manage the distance, you need to know the pros and cons. You both need to know exactly what you want for your relationship. If you have been together for 1 month or 5 years you will not manage your relationship in the same way because the expectations are inevitably different. Together, you will have to establish rules and determine, as far as possible, the length of the period of absence, the frequency of your meetings and your needs. This way you will avoid having any nasty surprises.

See also

Distance relationship: 10 psychology tips to make it work

Long-distance love: how to make this relationship work

Phrases and aphorisms about distance and remoteness

Catch the moment

Avoid having too many expectations by imagining movie encounters. Fantasizing too much about these long-awaited moments, dreaming of a fairytale weekend, can involve the risk of being disappointed. Much better to take things as they come and enjoy them for what they are. And then these precious moments deserve to be lived serenely: there is no point in making a face if he does not welcome you at the station with a huge bouquet of roses! And since weekends or holidays always go by too quickly, why not put your worries aside and be in a good mood right from the start? The important thing is to be together, no matter where or how

Why not organize a romantic weekend in Europe?

How to manage the lack?

It's okay to be impatient and miss each other, but it's not fair (neither for you nor for him) to live according to your encounters. It is very important that both of you maintain your life, your friends and your daily life. In this way, every day will pass faster and you will not live it with the constant thought of not having your partner next to you. In short, if you do not want every separation to turn into a nightmare, that your relationship is only a source of sadness, it is essential that everyone has their own identity. This is how you will have a lot of things to tell each other when you see each other!

To keep the flame of your love alive, why not make short or medium term plans? A weekend of passion, a holiday with friends, family celebrations ... these small deadlines will allow you to maintain a strong contact.

Believe it or not, organizing the future will help you manage the wait better.

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