The phrases on death and the most touching and profound reflections

Man has always reflected on death: he tries to understand the reasons for it, he imagines what will happen after life, he cannot rest for a sudden mourning.These are the most famous phrases, quotes and aphorisms on the subject, pronounced by famous people or ordinary people. Reading them can be a little help to overcome the pain, as well as letting off steam. Crying is good, find out why by looking at the video below.

Phrases, quotes and aphorisms about death uttered by famous authors

Life and death are two closely linked events because one cannot exist without the other. Men have always reflected on this topic: we have collected quotes from the most important philosophers, writers and thinkers of our culture. Defining them as beautiful is perhaps not the right adjective, however they are meaningful and touching phrases that try to define the moment of death in relation to everyday life. This is our selection of the quotes most related to the theme.

Since the day of my birth, my death has begun its journey. He is walking towards me, without haste. Jean Cocteau

The day we fear as the last is only our birthday for eternity. Seneca

Death is what life has so far invented most solid and secure. EM Cioran

Death is either a bridge or an abyss: a passage to something else or a precipice into nothingness. I hope the first. But I fear the second. Roberto Gervaso

Life is a big surprise. I don't see why death couldn't be an even greater one. Vladimir Nabokov

Death is the curve of the road, dying is just not being seen. Fernando Pessoa

When a man dies, a chapter is not torn from the book, it is translated into a better language. John Donne

The most important problem, that of death, is always and only treated by incompetents. We do not know the opinion of any expert. Francesco Burdin

To the stupid question "Why me?" the universe barely takes the trouble to replicate: why not. Christopher Hitchins

An illiterate who died an hour ago knows more about the universe than all scientists put together. Cornelium Vadim Tudor

It's not that I'm afraid of dying. I just don't want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen

I am not afraid of death. I was dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and that didn't cause me the slightest disturbance. Mark Twain

We live among things destined to die - Intra peritura vivimus. Lucio Anneo Seneca

A syllogism: the others die; but I am not another; therefore I will not die.Vladimir Nabokov

The men of the West live as if they should never die and die as if they never lived. Dalai Lama

Death is a custom that everyone, sooner or later, must respect. Jorge Louis Borges

The only grace that God has given us, assuming it exists, is to have hidden from us the way in which we will die. Patrick Ourednik

Phrases on death: the most beautiful and famous images on the subject of death to laugh at its gravity and play down the moment

In the midst of life it happens that death comes to take man's measurements. That visit is forgotten and life goes on. But the dress is sewn in silence. Tomas Tranströmer

Life and death are not two extremes far from each other. They are like two legs walking together, and they both belong to you. Right now you are living and dying at the same time. Something in you dies every moment. In the span of seventy years, death will come to an end. In every moment you continue to die, and in the end you will really die. Osho

What is the story? Its roots lie in centuries of systematic work dedicated to solving the riddle of death, so that death itself can be defeated. This is why people write symphonies, and why they discover mathematical infinity and electromagnetic waves. Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

Statistics show us that we can count on a total of twenty-five thousand days; a few thousand more for someone. But after that there will be no others. For nobody. Yes: even for me who write, even for you who read it will immediately be evening. Vittorio Messori

We were like you, you will be like us At the entrance to many cemeteries

Death disturbs me, it's true. I believe it is a mistake of the eternal. I do not consider myself indispensable at all, but imagine the world without me: what will you do alone? Vittorio Alfieri

Death is probably the greatest invention of life. Sweep away the old to make room for the new. Steve Jobs

See also: All the stars who almost died

© Getty Images All the stars who almost died

Phrases about death to condolence a loved one

We have collected the most beautiful and moving phrases spoken by the great authors of the past to speak to a person who has just lost someone. Moving forward is not easy right now and we all need someone who makes us feel less sad. Nothing can ever give life back to its rightful owner, but you can always help overcome a difficult moment with a touching word.

I saw the moment of my greatness waver, and I saw the eternal lackey holding my coat grinning, and in short, I was afraid of it. Ts Eliot

Death is a surprise that makes the conceivable inconceivable. Paul Valéry

This unknown country from which no traveler has returned. William Shakespeare

Life is a dream from which death wakes us up. Hodjviri

Only for death we are irreplaceable Jürgen Große

Dying is terrible, but the idea of ​​dying without having lived is unbearable. Erich Fromm

The fact that they are all doomed to disappearance produces an unbearable feeling in us. But it would be even more so if death disappeared. Jean Baudrillard

I'm going to look for a Big Maybe. François Rabelais

And so dying is drinking from the river of silence and climbing to the top of the mountain means being naked in the wind and melting in the sun Khalil Gibran

Death is the dark background that a mirror needs if we want to see something. Saul Bellow

phrases about death: to be dedicated to a love, the most beautiful images and phrases that nothing can ever overcome

Aphorisms and funny quotes to play down

It is true, death is certainly a bad and painful moment but perhaps for this very reason men have decided to play it down by laughing about it. These are the most beautiful ironic and irreverent phrases about death: those that manage to snatch a smile even at this juncture !

Alexander of Macedon and his stable boy, once dead, met the same end: either both reabsorbed into the same seminal principles of the world or, with equal treatment, dispersed in the atoms. Marcus Aurelius

He was afraid of having, on the verge of death, a fear to death. Carlo Gragnani

The interesting thing about being seriously ill is that you spend a lot of your time preparing to die, while still being deeply involved in trying to get away with it. It is a rather bizarre way of life - lawyers in the morning and doctors in the afternoon - that forces you to navigate between two moods more than usual. Christopher Hitchins

I knew a man who once said: "Death smiles at everyone, a man cannot help but smile back". From the movie The Gladiator

Life does the analysis, death takes care of the synthesis. Robert Sabatier

The good that will be said of us after our death will console us for the evil that would have been said of our life if it had lasted too long. Robert Sabatier

The difference between sex and death is that you can go through death alone without anyone laughing at you. Woody Allen

I have died many times, but so never. Tomb of an Etruscan actor

The idea that one will die is more cruel than dying, but less than the idea that another is dead. Marcel Proust

I really hope that when I die someone has enough common sense to throw me in the river or something. Anything but putting me in a goddamn graveyard. People who come and put a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday and all that filth. Who wants flowers when he's dead? Nobody. J.D. Salinger

phrases on death: the most beautiful images to dedicate to living and dying when there is nothing more to do

The most beautiful phrases about living and dying

This selection is designed to deepen the theme of death seen from many points of view: they can be uncomfortable reflections, sometimes frank, ironic, or moving to remember loved ones. In any case, they represent a way to reflect on the theme of loss and the end of life without hypocrisy.

There will be no revelation of the enigma, the long-awaited explanation, the word that will give meaning to everything that has tormented us or held us in suspense. None of this. Arriving at the last page of the book, greedy for a revelation, devoured by curiosity, we will die. Fabrizio Caramagna

Death, the most atrocious of all evils, does not exist for us. When we experience death, there is no death, when it is there we are not. Epicurus

I am not afraid of death: it is the stake we set to play the game of life. Jean Giraudoux

Don't be afraid of death… It hurts less than life! Jim Morrison

My love asks me: “Does it hurt so much to die? "
"Well, honey," I reply, "yes, but it hurts a lot more to live on." Chuck Palahniuk

My love, people do not die immediately, but remain immersed in a kind of aura of life that has no relation to true immortality, but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive. Marcel Proust

"I know I'm going to die, but I don't believe it." Jacques Madaule says. I know but I am not intimately persuaded. If I were completely convinced of this, I could no longer live. Vladimir Jankélévitch

The reality is that one lives until he dies. And the truth is, nobody wants reality. Chuck Palahniuk

phrases about death: this is a list of the most beautiful phrases about death and to celebrate our dead loved ones

To die means to separate not only from what you were, but also from what you could not become. This last aspect of death is the most disturbing. Gheorghe Gricurc

The first and most salient contrast is between men and women; the second, between the living and the dead; the third, between friends and enemies. Elias Canetti

In front of himself and of nothingness everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he will never know that he is dead. Samuel Butler

The first requirement for immortality, my love, is death. Stanisław Jerzy Lec

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we are living. Norman Cousins

Nobody and nothing can say for sure that tomorrow he will still be alive. Euripides

Love: where will we meet after death? Where will we go for a walk? And our usual evening stroll?
And the regrets for the whims of the children? Where to find you, when I desire you, your emerald eyes, when I need your words? God demands the impossible, God forces us to die. Angelo Maria Ripellino

phrases about death: images about death and its perception in our eyes

Why do you fear your last day? It does not contribute to your death any more than any of the others. Michel de Montaigne

Every night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. Gandhi

If you spend all your time worrying about dying, living isn't going to be much fun. Anonymous

Sometimes things are done for the dead that would not be done for the living. Marcel Proust

The privilege of the dead: they will die no more. Gabriele D'Annunzio

And now that my mother-in-law lies here, she don't know, but I rest in peace. Funerary inscription in Tarquinia

It is like
in autumn
on the trees

Giuseppe Ungaretti

All our knowledge only helps us to die a death a little more painful than that of animals that know nothing. Maurice Maeterlinck

Death is like a fisherman who catches fish in the net and leaves it in the water for a while; the fish still swims, but it has a net all around it, and the fisherman will pull it up when it seems appropriate. Ivan Turgenev

Many people are so afraid of dying that they cannot live. Henry van Dyke

Death will come and have your eyes-
this death that accompanies us
from morning to night, sleepless,
deaf, like an old remorse
or an absurd vice. Your eyes
will be a vain word,
a silent cry, a silence.

Cesare Pavese

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