Spring Flowers: All plants that are easy to grow in the most colorful season

Spring is the season of flowers, buds and bulbs. In other words, birth, rebirth and color are the key words for this period of the year, so fragrant and rich. Just look out over the gardens of the houses or even just cross the parks to notice the flowers that populate the meadows, but not only: terraces, balconies and private gardens are embellished with the most beautiful flowers right in spring! Before reviewing the most beautiful spring flowers, make sure you know their meaning!

Spring flowers: how to grow them the right way

We said it: spring brings with it a riot of scents and colors and the desire to have flowers on the balcony or terrace or, for the lucky ones, on a piece of land in the garden. Before you equip yourself with gloves, soil and everything you need, you must choose the flowers that best suit the climate in which you live, as well as your personal tastes. allergies, so care must be taken not to feed them with additional elements, including flowers.
Not all flowers require special care and space, but in most cases a small corner with good exposure to the sun is sufficient, which is the fundamental element for the growth of plants, both on the ground and in pots. to make the flowers bloom early and splendid, in fact, are the right quantity of water, the ideal soil and constant temperatures.

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The first on the list of the most beautiful and simple flowers to grow in spring can only be geranium, the balcony flower par excellence. The reason is simple: this flower is able to produce colorful and fragrant flowers, as well as an extremely economical and resistant plant to the outside, without the need for special care. Simplicity also concerns the moment of burying it: just have a branch and plant it in the soil, in a small hole, without too many doubts about where to plant it, the geranium can in fact be placed anywhere, but it is good to remember that the greater the exposure to the sun, the more luxuriant the flower petals will be.
The only, simple care that this plant needs is a periodic elimination of the yellowed leaves and dried flowers, which form regularly, as well as, of course, water it every day, in order to always have a change of water.
Geraniums offer a different coloring of flowers, depending on the truth. The most common are the purple ones, adorned with beautiful shades, with white inside, or fuchsia, which gives a splash of color in the corner of your choice.

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Another symbol par excellence of spring is the tulip, able to make anyone smile thanks to its shape and its bright colors. There are not a few lovers of this flower who buy it individually, to put in a vase also as a centerpiece, or, alternatively, there are those who decide to plant it by sowing the bulbs: the ideal months to do this are October and November because the Winter cold will help tulips to grow and bloom in spring. Not only in the kitchen and living room, but tulips also look great in the garden or on the balcony: the important thing is that they are exposed to the sun.
A few tips for planting tulips and obtaining the maximum of their splendor: plant them at a depth double their length and at a wide distance from each other, water them every 3-4 days, on the hottest days every 2-3.

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The name itself testifies to it: primroses are the first flowers to appear at the end of winter and to announce spring. Years ago it was known as the "pale flower" due to their characteristic color, soft and opaque, but today the different hybrids have generated bright and gaudy colors.The primrose is suitable to be buried in practical and economical pots, both inside and outside the home.
Primroses also enter among the flowers that do not require special attention, except to be transplanted in the garden or in a larger pot in order to have more space in which to grow and develop the roots. The soil must be rich in humus and well fertilized, as well as exposed to drafts and direct sunlight. Primroses prefer cool temperatures, which is why we recommend a window sill if you are at home.

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As will be known to many, lavender is not only characterized by a beautiful color and scent, but also has numerous beneficial properties that have allowed its use in the world of cosmetics and natural treatments. "lavender oil, for example, for its relaxing properties: massages, to soothe sunburn and inflammation, as well as the itch of mosquito bites and, for the more addicted, also treat coughs and colds.
In addition to this, however, lavender is ideal for scenting rooms but also for warding off mosquitoes in the summer season. The scent of lavender, thanks to its calming power, is also used to help sleep for those suffering from insomnia. In short, this alone should be enough to convince you that you have a bouquet of lavender at home, but that's not all. The cultivation of this plant is very simple: it will be enough to plant the small seeds in a pot in a very sunny position. If the weather is too harsh outside, it is advisable to keep it indoors to shelter it, the important thing is that it is exposed to sunlight.

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Spring par excellence is certainly also the narcissus, the so-called "May flower" precisely for the moment of its maximum flowering. Derived from the Greek, the term literally means daze precisely because its history assigns it hypnotic properties capable of paralyzing.
It is actually, out of popular tradition, a very simple bulbiferous plant to grow and have luxuriantly in pots and in the garden. The narcissus has a faint scent and an equally delicate color: it is white with a yellow crown that reaches up to an intense red. Its ability to resist the sun makes it perfect for cool and humid places, but being a bulbiferous plant it is suitable for sowing in winter, so as to make it bloom in spring.

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Surfinia is the first hybrid mentioned so far, born from the cross between the nyctaginiflora petunia and the purple petunia. the balconies and windowsills adorned with wonderful and gaudy colors. Surfinia is great when grown in pots but plays its part when planted in flower beds and larger gardens. The colors are among the most diverse: from white to pink, to red, to purple and blue. Good exposure to the sun and shelter from the wind are recommended; it is good care to fertilize it every 20 days in order to absorb all the nutrients it needs.

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This is perhaps the most fragrant and majestic plant among those listed, used precisely to decorate buildings but also to create fragrances and herbal teas. There are more than 200 species of jasmine, including varieties that bloom in spring and others that bloom in winter and autumn. The most common, however, is Jasminum officinale which blooms in the warmer seasons with white and extremely fragrant flowers. It is a very hardy variety that can withstand even the harshest cold. Jasmine has a very rapid growth and, given its climbing property, it is able to rapidly cover the entire surface to which it is anchored.
Also in this case, it is a plant that does not require special care, the important thing is to ensure the soil is always humid, so in the absence of rain it is good to water it often.

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Lilac is a shrub that can reach up to 2-3 meters in height. It is as beautiful and colorful as it is robust and hardy, featuring gorgeous star-shaped flowers and light green leaves. The colors are very soft and relaxing, as the name already suggests, in shades of lilac, not gaudy, able to adorn and embellish courtyards, gardens and balcony pots. Hybrid variants have also been created that feature more vibrant colors, such as deep white and dark purple. In general, however, lilac is grown simply, on neutral or well-moistened soil.

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These are the simplest flowers to take care of and the most versatile: suitable on the ground, to cultivate a small colorful garden, but also in pots, exceptional for the scent they emanate at home and delicious for the color with which they paint the windowsill and the balcony. Wait no more: grab work gloves, shovel and dirt and get to work contributing to the explosion of spring color!

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