5 easy exercises to do during the day for the belly!

There is no woman who does not dream of having a flat stomach and perfect abs! To get them it is very important to take care of your diet and, at the same time, not to neglect physical activity.

Ten minutes of time each day would be enough to dedicate to specific exercises like the ones we suggest in the video to get sculpted abs, preferably in the morning, in order to speed up the metabolism and lose weight faster:

Unfortunately, however, not everyone has the time to go to the gym or to train consistently at home. The best way to get a flat stomach, then, is to take advantage of the movements and activities of every day, doing easy exercises that can be part of the routine of our daily actions.

Training in this way is undoubtedly the simplest and cheapest way to keep fit without too much effort. Ready to get started?

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1. Lift up with your abs

If you are lying in bed or on the sofa and you have to get up, avoid doing it on your side, but lift your torso with your legs straight, as if you were doing an abdominal crunch (which it really is!).

How many times during the day do we happen to make such a movement? If you remember to always do it this way, you will soon notice the results on your flat stomach.

2. Contract your abs whenever you can

You are sitting in front of the TV, at the computer, or at the cinema or on the bus ... take advantage of it to contract the abdominal muscles. Hold them contracted for a few seconds, then release them. Repeat the exercise several times.

The important thing is that you remember to keep your back straight and your shoulders down and relaxed. A really simple exercise that, with minimal effort, will give you great results!

3. Lengthen your stride

This very simple exercise will be good for both your belly and your glutes! When you walk, in addition to favoring the quick step, also commit yourself to lengthen it, taking care to keep the abdominal muscles well contracted.

In this way, the muscles will struggle more and the training will pay off!

4. Watch TV ... moving your pelvis!

We know that watching TV lying on the sofa is a whole "other thing, but to get a flat stomach this and more!
To tell the truth, you can remain seated quietly, although in a chair it would be ideal. The important thing is that you are able to move your pelvis slightly. Like? Place your hands on either side of your butt, a few inches apart. Brace yourselves and, inhaling, raise your pelvis, even slightly, moving it forward. As you move forward, exhale and contract your abs. Keep your abs contracted for 10 seconds and then release, sitting down. Repeat 10 times.

This type of session forces you to keep your abdominal muscles well contracted: a great workout, and you won't even miss your favorite program to go to the gym!

5. Practice in the office

Exercising while you are at work? Why not! When sitting at your desk, try lifting your legs and keeping them parallel at the top for about twenty seconds. This way your abs will be forced to tighten.
Repeat the exercise several times and that's it!

Or try sitting crunches by bringing the knee of the left leg down to the desk and the right elbow on the desk, in the direction of the knee. Repeat 15 times, alternating legs and arms.

And to get a flat stomach in no time, remember that it is also essential to help yourself with the right nutrition:

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