5 soft women say no to prejudices: curvy is also sexy

"You are fat", "fat", "obese". It often happens that people forget that they have a heart and that they speak without thinking, they judge without knowing, they hurt without the need to use weapons.
Words hurt no matter how much skin there is to protect you. Whether it is the bare essentials or that Mother Nature has been a little more generous with you, it is always good to stop for a second, thus avoiding having to run for cover later.
As this video testifies, each is wonderful in its own way.

Mariana Godoy is a Brazilian photographer whose mission is to break down the barriers of ignorance. To do so, she decided to undertake a project called Empowering me: women in underwear, without armor, yet ready to fight for themselves.
Posing in lingerie can be a problem; whether you are thin or not, it is always difficult to show yourself to the world as you are, but this photographer still decided to immortalize 5 women and give them credit.

See also

Mimosas for women's day: why are they the symbol of this day?

© Mariana Godoy

As you can see from the photos, these are normal women and, more importantly, they are happy women. It doesn't matter how others perceive your body, it only matters how you feel with it, considering that, for better or for worse, you will still have to spend a lot of time together.

© Mariana Godoy Curvy girls

The portraits of photographer Mariana Godoy go far beyond what you see: no matter what the flaws, we all have stretch marks, one breast bigger than the other or we would like our nose to be slightly smaller.
We all have something we don't like and yet, the most important thing is to smile. Once we learn how to do this, nothing will be able to stop us.

Tags:  News - Gossip Marriage Actuality