Lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy: a fairly common symptom

Experiencing pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy could be worrying for the expectant mother. Pregnancy is a delicate time when a woman's body goes through a series of important changes. there are some things to avoid. Watch the video and find out what they are! Then continue reading the article to learn more and avoid excessive worries.

Belly pain in pregnancy: why?

This definition can indicate an unidentified pain in the abdominal area, therefore from the stomach to the lower abdomen. There are various possible causes of pain in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman; it is difficult to establish them immediately, without clinical analysis and gynecological examination, as lower abdomen pain can originate from multiple triggers. They can be normal symptoms of a woman's body change internally and externally during pregnancy or be caused by any common intestinal disorder, aerophagia, meteorism, colitis. However, they could also be the first symptoms of a pathology that arose during the gestation period and therefore require a visit and a more accurate control. If it is then associated with other more intense and persistent particular symptoms, it is always good to inform the gynecologist of these disorders for a medical examination in order to have a safe diagnosis.

Stomach pain at the beginning of pregnancy is just one of the little discomforts that await every pregnant woman!

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Non-pathological symptoms in the first week and in the first months.

Often in addition to a real stomach ache the woman already at the beginning of a pregnancy feels a feeling of swelling and weight in the lower abdomen with a strange resentment in the ovaries, determined by the higher level of estrogen and progesterone which increase the blood supply. in that zone.
In fact, some women do not even think they are pregnant in front of these symptoms, but only that they are premenstrual. In the first week of pregnancy you may also have a tense abdomen, particularly abundant discoloration of reddish brown or transparent color, pain in the more swollen breast, dark areola, stiff nipples, feeling of nausea, discomfort of odors, tiredness and dizziness due to low blood pressure, appearance Montgomery tubercles that produce a lubricating substance during lactation. In the pregnancy test there are small strips that are colored in the presence of the hormone BETA HCG: it is good to do this in the morning when in the "urine there is a higher concentration of hormones and at least a few days after the usual date of menstruation, as delays are often caused precisely by the anxiety of being or not waiting. The so-called implantation losses cause mild stomach aches. woman's physique in this delicate period depends on the evolution of the development of the fetus that she carries within herself. ico are many and the future mother warns them more or less strongly. These also include pain in the abdomen. The first three months are a very delicate time.The appearance of mild abdominal pain during the first few months is quite common. They vaguely recall premenstrual and menstrual pains, as they relate precisely to the uterus which after fertilization begins to grow and prepare to welcome the fetus. In a second phase, that relating to the next three months of gestation, the ligaments that support the uterus tend to stretch and often cause dull pain in the lower abdomen or slight cramps. This symptomatology is called round ligament pain.

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A stomach ache can also be caused in the pregnant woman by intestinal swelling and aerophagia and meteorism, very common in pregnancy, especially if you do not avoid abusing some foods, which ferment and produce gas, for example, fruit and vegetables and some legumes . When you suffer from meteorism, there is an excessive accumulation of gas, which often leads to swelling, tension and an increase in the circumference of the abdomen. an "intolerance to certain foods, dyspepsia or states of anxiety and depression. Here are some tips to avoid aerophagia and bloating: do not eat in a hurry, do not talk during a meal, so as not to ingest air while consuming food and drinks; do not chew gum all the time, do not overdo it with smoking and carbonated drinks, reduce fats and simple sugars that increase fermentation. Another cause of stomach ache in pregnancy is constipation due to the increase in female hormones, especially progesterone. A trigger can also be the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestine and diarrhea, always due to intestinal gas. which can have hormonal or pathological causes Probable causes are intolerance to lactose and nickel or to natural supplements taken in the first months of gestation.

Remedies for non-pathological abdominal pain in pregnancy.

It may be advisable not to use the abdominals too much, turning sideways when getting out of bed; avoid lifting excessive weights; avoid any kind of emotion and stress; walk briefly and slowly, to get the internal organs in motion, especially in case of meteorism; then it will bring relief to the pregnant woman lying for a long time, in a lateral position, trying to relax, curb any reason for anxiety and breathing with adequate technique.

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The last three months: particular ailments and a lot of stress.

In the last three months of pregnancy, contractions of the uterus muscles may occur, which, however, do not indicate any imminent birth and can also begin in the sixth month. On the other hand, when labor begins, the contractions become regular and very painful. Very often pregnant women experience pain in the lower abdomen also because they somatize the stress accumulated during gestation, an exciting period, but also of tension due to the worries of labor. But the causes of abdominal pain could also be seriously pathological, unnatural and physiological. It could also be a previous detachment of the placenta, an onset of spontaneous abortion or a preeclampsia due to an ongoing gestosis or tubal problems. It is also not possible to exclude an extra uterine pregnancy without verification, which must be interrupted immediately, in order not to cause serious consequences for the mother. If you suffer from previous diseases of the abdomen, these can get worse during pregnancy. After the sixth month, compression of the bladder can cause cystitis and urinary tract infections; constipation and hemorrhoids are also aggravated. In all these cases, a medical examination or even hospitalization is essential, if the cause is more serious.

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Concomitant symptoms of abdominal pain in pregnancy.

There are many symptoms that often occur associated with stomach pain in pregnancy and vary according to the causes that cause them. If they arise only from a physiological change they can be mild, such as nausea, vomiting, mood swings, sleep disturbances. Stronger symptoms, on the other hand, have those deriving from pathologies. You may have: high fever, in case of infection; loss of red blood due to a miscarriage, various ailments, such as swollen feet, a sense of restlessness, water retention in the case of a gestosis. If other types of disorders occur, severe pain in the abdomen and laterally in the lower abdomen or bladder, abundant blood loss, fainting and dizziness, an ectopic pregnancy can also be hypothesized. The above, of course, are just some of the possible "abnormal symptoms" that can accompany stomach ache in pregnancy. Obviously in these cases it is absolutely necessary the intervention of the specialist in gynecology, the visit, blood tests, ultrasound and other tests necessary for a diagnosis. Treatments and treatments for pathological causes are closely related to the origin of the disorder. In the case of infectious diseases, such as preeclampsia, a pharmacological treatment can be undertaken, always bearing in mind the consequences on the mother and baby and the trimester of pregnancy. If necessary, surgery is performed.

Very often these light pains in the lower abdomen can only be inflammation due to an overly unbalanced diet: go to a nutritionist, who will prescribe you in addition to a diet with suitable foods, lots of relaxation and a little more movement to vary style waist and slowly strengthen the muscles of the abdomen. Also often go to the gynecologist for a consultation and never neglect the necessary checks. And above all, be happy to experience one of the best moments of your life!

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