A site is born where experts offer their online consultancy

We have stressed several times how the advent of the Coronavirus and the consequent forced quarantine have placed us in front of enormous changes, not all of which are tolerated lightly. We have been called to take on unprecedented collective responsibilities, increasing our civic sense and drastically revolutionizing our habits. But, if on the one hand the world seems to have stopped, there are professionals who have worked hard to find alternative means with which to carry out their mission. It happens on the digitalfa.com site, where the AirBNB of experts came to life: an online platform where experts in the most diverse sectors, such as health and wellness, law, innovation, real estate, finance, work and education, put their knowledge, and their time, available to users, sharing information, repetitions, consultations and assistance. In short, the final goal is only one: the sharing of useful content. All conveyed through online videos available on all devices.

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The selection of community experts is extremely careful, as they must meet certain requirements of competence and reliability. Furthermore, those who will use the service are given the opportunity to leave reviews with which to evaluate their efficiency.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the first consultations are available for free - which makes the project even more noble.

Here is yet another example of how the best initiatives sometimes arise from the greatest difficulties.

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