Marathon runner shows her body modified by pregnancy

This is the era of FitMoms: pregnant women or newly mothers who do not give up on fitness. Training becomes an obsession and risks compromising their health and that of the baby. Exercising during pregnancy is, on some levels, healthy. When? Marta Fovana, fitness instructor and personal trainer, tells us.

We are so used to seeing great physics a few hours after giving birth that we may end up believing that this is the reality when, on the other hand, it is not at all the case. Becoming a mother is not an easy experience, it requires mental and obviously physical effort.

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The reality is what Stephanie Rothstein Bruce has decided to share on social networks: abs that are a little more rested than usual are not a problem at all.

A passionate mom

© Instagram Stephanie Rothstein Bruce Stephanie Rothstein Bruce

Sport has always been a part of Stephanie's life. Trainer and co-founder of Picky Bars, a fitness snack brand, the woman has made her passion a real job.

© Instagram Stephanie Rothstein Bruce

When she and her husband Ben decided to start a family, Stephanie's career was put on hold as she wanted to dedicate body and soul to her children who are now 21 and 6 months old. Recently, however, the woman has started wearing shoes again and regaining the track.

There are many professional marathoners who stop by to have children. I decided to take a break and resume training for the Olympic preparation. It is a complex path and no one ever talks about it enough, many people think that those who run are some kind of superhero and that it is impossible to identify with them: this is not the case.

"A mother's strength is truly inexhaustible"

© Instagram Stephanie Rothstein Bruce Stephanie Rothstein Bruce with her family

Resistance, muscles and discrimination: it is not easy for women to return to the world of competitions. Stephanie during pregnancy suffered from diastasis of the rectum, her abdominal muscles separated.

On her Instagram account, the woman shares her little daily battles, all fought with a smile and accompanied by encouraging messages: it is impossible to count how many are those who thank her for being a real example to follow!

Stephanie Rothstein Bruce and his children

Tags:  Parenthood Kitchen Beauty