
From walking ... to trekking
Trekking is a more complex and tiring activity than just walking, and its difficulties should not be underestimated: it is a sport in all respects, which must not be taken lightly.
It is essential to choose an itinerary that corresponds to one's abilities, taking into consideration the kilometers to be covered, the difference in height, the height reached, the difficulties of the route and the weather conditions.

The benefits
Trekking is a "beneficial activity, for many reasons ...
-It is suitable for everyone. Young or old, sedentary or sporty people: the important thing is that the path corresponds to one's abilities.
-It is "pleasant. There is no competition between the people participating in an" exclusion, but rather solidarity in facing the difficulties of the route and the desire to spend peaceful hours, admiring the landscape.
-It is anti-stress. Walking means taking time out for yourself. It means finding contact with nature and breathing pure air.
-It's healthy. As you walk, the joints and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are worked, resulting in an increase in muscle mass, a slowdown in bone loss, better lung ventilation and an improvement in heart function.
- Makes you lose weight. Even if it is not intense, in the trekking the effort is prolonged. Result: not only calories are burned (from 300 to 800 Kcal / h depending on speed and altitude difference), but also - after about 45 minutes of walking - the accumulation of fat is drawn.

The equipment
To be safe and take advantage of the pleasures of trekking, it is essential to be well equipped.
- Some trekking shoes. Having suitable shoes when trekking is essential. The shoes must be comfortable, guarantee a good grip on the ground, support the ankle, protect from humidity, absorb shocks.
- Waterproof and breathable clothing. The clothing must protect from the elements and allow the skin to breathe.
-A good backpack. The volume is related to the use made of it: 30-40 l for a 1 day excursion, 50-70 l for several days. It is also important to distribute the weight well.
-But also: a water bottle, a compass, sunglasses, a topographic map, a rescue kit, a telegraph stick ...

Italy has an exceptional natural heritage. There are many well-marked and signposted itineraries. Take advantage of it!

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