Pilates: exercises for high and firm buttocks

The Pilates Method includes a series of exercises specially designed to firm and lift our buttocks. The benefits of pilates are many and in general it is a discipline that looks at the body as a whole, helping us to tone and stretch the muscles gently.

His exercises, in fact, are not particularly heavy and combine elements of gymnastics, yoga and dance. However, to be best done, they require concentration and precision. Consistency is also essential to obtain clearly visible results, especially on an area such as the buttocks that tends to accumulate fat!

The exercises we propose work on the contraction and relaxation of the lower back muscles, also involving the abdominals, to get back in shape at 360 °. Before starting, however, remember to do some stretching to warm up:

1. Raise the pelvis

To do this first exercise, lie on your stomach on your mat, with your legs bent and your arms stretched out at your sides. Raise the pelvis upwards and then lower it, repeating the movement several times, being careful not to place the buttocks on the mat so that they can remain contracted. Also be careful not to ever raise the shoulder blades, but keep them adherent to the floor.

See also

Exercises for the buttocks: how to firm them and have a perfect butt

Pilates: the best exercises for the abdominals

Pilates: the best exercises to do with the ball

2. Rotation of the pelvis

Also for this second exercise it will be necessary to lie on your back on the mat, with your legs bent and your arms stretched out at your sides. Lift the pelvis and move it sideways, with a small rotation, first to the right and then to the left, repeating the movement several times. During the exercise, remember never to rest your pelvis on the floor and to keep your abdominal muscles contracted as well.

3. Rear leaps with leg at 90 °

Get on all fours on the mat, resting your weight on your knees and palms. Keeping the right leg at 90 °, swing it upwards, being very careful not to arch the back and to contract the buttocks and abdominal muscles. The knee should never touch the mat. Repeat the movement several times, then switch to the leg (and then to the left buttock).

4. Rear leaps with extended leg

As in the previous exercise, also to do this you have to get on all fours on the mat, resting on your knees and palms. Again, you have to lift your right leg, but keeping it straight. The foot is stretched outwards, with the neck taut. The back must remain straight and never arched. Repeat the pulse several times, then switch legs.

5. Leg and opposite arm stretched

Get on all fours on your mat, with your knees bent and arms straight, resting your weight on your palms. Looking straight ahead, lift your right arm and left leg into the air, keeping your back straight and trying to form a straight line. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then repeat it by lifting your left arm and right leg into the air. This exercise is also great for the back.

Most of these exercises also require an effort on the part of the abdominal muscles: they will therefore also be very useful for getting a nice flat stomach. Do not forget, however, to take care of your diet ...

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